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Everything posted by jb082278

  1. Once I received my coffee maker and coffee I called the next day and they cancelled it over the phone. They didn't try to sell me anything. It will make an excellent Christmas gift.
  2. I buy stuff from them all the time and never received an empty box. That SUCKS!!
  3. 1-800-FREE-411 A computer will ask you to answer 2-3 questions about the number you are looking for. While you wait for them to retreive the # a sponsored message lasting 8-10 seconds comes on. Then they will ask if you want to here more from the sponsor.I always say no but it's up to you. Then you get the #, free. It sounds like a lot but the total call length is anywhere from 1-2 min. I think it is worth saving $1-2. I am not associated with the company in any way. I am just looking to save money like everyone else. Enjoy Jeff
  4. If anyone knows where I can find this doll in stock online or offline let me know. Thanks, Jeff
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