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Everything posted by angelbabymommy

  1. https://www.amazon.com/Modelones-Poly-Extension-Gel-Nail/dp/B08F53PV4D/ref=sr_1_8?dchild=1&keywords=polygel+nail+kit&qid=1602526921&sr=8-8 My 12 year old daughter put this on her Christmas list, perfect for tweens, teens and adults
  2. https://www.amazon.com/LEGO-Technic-Mobile-Building-Construction/dp/B07Y8T4WHC/ref=sr_1_3?dchild=1&keywords=lego+technic&qid=1602595308&sr=8-3 My 12 year old nephew loves to build; he puts these things together in NO TIME!
  3. https://www.amazon.com/Nirvana-Class-Spectacle-Stand-Unique-Accessory/dp/B07YG1GXNB/ref=sxin_9_ac_d_rm?ac_md=0-0-dW5pcXVlIGdpZnRz-ac_d_rm&crid=1BBBVO9G7BZ6S&cv_ct_cx=unique+gifts&dchild=1&keywords=unique+gifts&pd_rd_i=B07YG1GXNB&pd_rd_r=220db93a-9809-4077-9054-2d738bd1f572&pd_rd_w=mU4vp&pd_rd_wg=dbvDA&pf_rd_p=3d1a8341-be16-45b1-ae3d-ba8c533ec9f0&pf_rd_r=NQZJ3YG7QAPDG1VDQT95&psc=1&qid=1602500635&sprefix=Uniq%2Caps%2C170&sr=1-1-12d4272d-8adb-4121-8624-135149aa9081 Definitely a gift I would purchase for my friend for her glasses lol
  4. Thank you! I’ve got my eye out. Funny because this is where I purchased my BJs membership for a steep discount
  5. No real budget this year...I’m just now close to getting caught up with bill thanks to COVID
  6. This has definitely piqued my interest..currently I only have a BJs membership, but my cousin has been telling me to get a Sam’s membership for a while now.
  7. https://www.amazon.com/Tamagotchi-42867-Original-Sahara/dp/B085W92425/ref=sr_1_3?crid=1Y0TEF25E4ADI&dchild=1&keywords=tamagotchi&qid=1602413086&sprefix=Tama%2Caps%2C172&sr=8-3&th=1 Just because I was obsessed with mine back in the 90s lol ...perfect gift for myself. I’d totally take care of another one for old time sake
  8. https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01N05X7OH/ref=ox_sc_saved_title_6?smid=A2309LAV3ZEPCH&psc=1 This is a unique gift for a smoker or non smoker. I’d order it just for decoration because it’s cute even tho I don’t smoke lol
  9. https://www.amazon.com/Tomons-Washable-Makeup-Palette-Cosmetic/dp/B07NSNYP4H/ref=sxin_9_ac_d_rm?ac_md=0-0-a2lkcyB3YXNoYWJsZSBtYWtldXA%3D-ac_d_rm&crid=37Q00Z15I1TW1&cv_ct_cx=kids+washable+makeup&dchild=1&keywords=kids+washable+makeup&pd_rd_i=B07NSNYP4H&pd_rd_r=547305ec-2eb0-4f07-9b90-069277cd0cc9&pd_rd_w=LOl4x&pd_rd_wg=OH5bD&pf_rd_p=3d1a8341-be16-45b1-ae3d-ba8c533ec9f0&pf_rd_r=GAFBWXPVS37G5J5H4P28&psc=1&qid=1602214563&sprefix=Kids+washa%2Caps%2C155&sr=1-1-12d4272d-8adb-4121-8624-135149aa9081 I just purchased this for my soon to be 4 year olds niece...perfect for any little girls that loves make up
  10. It’s beginning to look a lot like the holidays
  11. Ok, this is exciting!! Between Amazon & Target on 10/13 & 10/14 I hope to get some a few Christmas gifts ordered and out of the way
  12. I feel ya! Didn’t see anything that would jump out as “hot” but like you said kids will make the weirdest, craziest thing hot lol my kids are older too, so that could also make the difference. I guess we’ll see in a month or so if this list is true
  13. I’m not into gaming, but I did see where GameStop is now offering QuadPay, where payments are broken down into 4 payments every 2 weeks...might help some who don’t have/want to spend $500 at once
  14. I miss the whole Black “Friday” experience; where it was actually Friday, just one day and when there were few stores open Thanksgiving Day. I miss the the thrill of not know what was on sale until getting a paper Thanksgiving morning and after dinner planning with family your “attack”
  15. Exciting! I hope I get one! I enjoyed my prize pack from last year.
  16. Aahhhh, yes! My favorite months as well ! I’m also ready for some football !! Happy September all...looking forward to the holiday season... a “different” holiday season, but I’m still excited nonetheless.
  17. I replaced Comcast with Roku boxes and subscribed to Sling...best decision I made for my household.
  18. Checking in! Can’t believe it’s August!!! This year is flying by; especially thinking of how this whole pandemic starting taking over in March...wondering how the holiday season will be.
  19. Hi all!! Hope all is well and everyone is healthy
  20. I’m in for a GD pin (or whatever the prize will be
  21. I’m in for a GD pin (or whatever it may be lol) Happy May
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