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Posts posted by Gloey

  1. I don't know what your budget is, but when my GD was 2 1/2 I got her a bookshelf stereo for her room. She loved it. I got the stories on CD so she could go to sleep with them and of course it plays any kind of music you like. I've always felt like it was a good investment. I think it was around 70 at Best Buy.

  2. Gloey, can I just say that your granddaughter is one very lucky little girl. :yup:

    I know, I know, I spoil her rotten but I waited a long long time for her and she's the little girl I never had. I sent DH to WalMart this morning to buy Baby Alive, we'll see how successful he was. But if I wait for her parents to get stuff, I know they will go at the last minute and things will be out of stock. BTW, DH doesn't know about half the stuff I've bought, he would freak out. My friend is hiding stuff at her house! :gdclap:

  3. I'm really PO'd that I didn't get their last flyer because I spend a lot at that store. The one that is out now, the sale starts on Sunday and there is a $10 coupon in it for the Chou Chou baby doll which retails for 39.95 I think. I was there tonite and got the other one which was 29.95 only cause I thought it was cuter anyway so I didn't really need the coupon but I think they need to get on the ball with their regular customers.
  4. We've just paid off all of out credit cards. I'm pretty hesitant about racking them up again. I think I'll just start stashing away some money out of every paycheck to use for shopping.

    I hate using credit cards too! I've been stashing 5.00 bills each week. Of course if I see something on sale I go into my stash now.

  5. I used to love Big Lots, it was the BEST place for underwear! But alas, they closed ours. Likewise with our KMart. Maybe Meijers this year. There's a lot of time waiting for that turkey to get done.
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