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Posts posted by hinman

  1. I bought one a while ago and thought I will put up for Christmas. My kids have not asked for it at all, I am beginning to wonder if it was me that thought the idea was cute and not my kids. They are asking for totally different stuff.

    Anyway I wouldn't pay more then retail.

  2. I have found alot of the needed items at great bargins and without being able to see all the prices walmart will have, I have purchased alot my items from other retailers offering great discounts. I have knocked 4 big ticket items off my list. If walmarts ad was posted maybe I would have waited if the prices where way better than what I found. So, I think there maybe others out there besides my family and friends that have done similar and I feel Walmart not releasing their ad makes them lose sales. With the economy I also feel supply and demand will be even a bigger problem and I don't want to risk not getting my deals.

    I have to but I doubt I would have waited, I just like getting done and not having to fight someone for it. Know I can wait on the ad and get things I probably don't need lol!
  3. Last year someone on the forum here sent me the ad on 11/13.


    If you remember, CNN posted a story with highlights from the ad on 11/14.


    And for the record, we're not going to allow any kind of "Santa's Wish List" on here. Once it's leaked, I'll let my Walmart reps know and hopefully like last year once they see they can't contain it from spreading all over the net, we'll be allowed to post the full ad.

    Thanks Brad. Just curious
  4. I have not been impressed either. I will probably hit the department stores, bath and body works, aeropostale. BTW Has anyone heard anything about best Buy or Aeropostale?

    I would like to see aeropostle and american eagle, got a teen son that has hoodies from these stores on his wish list.
  5. I would say well into 90% of the teachers i know (co-workers and family) would not eat homemade gifts. Most smile say TY and trash them afterwards.


    We dont give gifts to teachers. We give gifts to the classroom. New games for indoor recess, supplies, or books typically. Again most teachers i know and DD has had prefer this and request it vs the 200th #1 teacher mug. I am sorely tempted this year just cause i *LOVE* some of the neat pop bottle ideas in homemade gift thread but teacher has already said class gifts only. Someone *WILL* be getting a bottle pop LOL

    My DD's teacher told me one year that the best gift she got was gift cards to get stuff for her classroom.
  6. Well, ultimately if you cannot see how walmart encourages that behavior then you won't be able to see it if someone explains it to you.




    True very true. I guess I just have not witnessed it. At my walmart employees were not encouraging that kind of actions. Sorry. None of the stores I visted encouraged that. They all had sells just like walMart. I also do not want to see it. Sorry you have had to. I also do not believe in taking the blame from the actual individuals who did this. Not WalMart but people.
  7. I think WM can and should be sued. Not because they didn't have adequate security, but because they seem to encourage a "dash and grab" or "blitz" environment AND this has caused major problems in the past. What have they done to address this issue? This was preventable. We have a local store here that also did the dash and grab thing last year. Once they opened their doors, the employees were lined up on both sides of the "runway" cheering and clapping while people ran to the back of the store to get the limited quantity doorbusters. They also had someone on the store PA system encouraging people to hurry if they wanted to get the items. Based on a environment like that how can anyone say the store isn't encouraging people to act unsafely on their property? To me having a crowd run through a store is an unsafe act.


    I think the Toys R Us situation from today is a different situation. From what I understand it was two "rivals" doing the shooting. When I hear that, I think of gang activity. Not much a store can do to prevent that, other than have metal detectors. A big difference is Toys R Us didn't encourage people to hurt each other to get the good stuff. WM (and some other stores) encourage people to act unsafely to get the good stuff.

    I guess I just don't understand how a sell by WalMart encourages people to act like that. I guess I was just raised a little different. for me just because a store is having a sell does not give me the right to run over people and I sure did not see Wal Mart employees encouraging people to trample each other. I seen a lot of aggrevated employees who could not believe the level people would stoop to to save a dollar.
  8. This could NOT have happened at just any store. It DOES happen at walmart every year (to one extent or another). Walmart knows what happens each year... and they encourage it. While I believe that people need to be held accountable for their actions and their choices, walmart bears a portion of that responsibility for knowingly establishing an environment that is conducive to that type of behavior.


    I know that Walmart is a "dash-n-grab" Black Friday event and that is why I avoid them. But there are many, even here at this forum, who actually enjoy the mad rush, the running through the store, the elbowing out the "competition" to grab that desired item.

    How could it not have happend at any store. Not sure I understand. I guess I just don;t agree. To me this was the people who broke the door down to get in fault not Wal marts. Sorry Just my opinion. Wal Mart was doing a sale just like all the other stores. People chose to be rude and act crazy.
  9. true it was walmarts fault for not taking adequate protection for its workers and customers. it is not like walmart was a nobody store that did not know better. The "rolled"back at the cost of security and that is unacceptable

    I thinkt his could of happened at any store. I didn't see security at any of them that could of handled this kind of crowd. I am not blaming walmart on this one it was the customers. I think it is sad that a store would have to hire security to guarantee safety instead of discounting items.
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