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Posts posted by dustysky

  1. Personally I would never get in line this early, but to each their own. I just hope its for them and not to resell.


    Last year on Thanksgiving at Kmart they had the Wii systems. These 4 guys showed up at 9pm on Wednesday. Used a tent. My friend got there by midnight. I got there by 3am. People let me stand in line with my friends (they were 5th and 6th) because I wasn't getting a Wii.... Anyhow, when the guy came out with the tickets, each guy took one. Once the manager went back into the store... They announce to everyone they were selling the tickets for $200 a piece. That aggravated the front people. Worse thing was, 2 ladies bought them who were at the back of the line(so they made $400) and then they announced they were grabbing breakfast then heading to BB to do it all over again.

    Good for them, glad they made some money on THERE time.

  2. How can ANY BF item be worth camping out for 3 days?


    If a person makes $250 a day at work and spends 3 days in line, how does that justify the time?


    Even if the person waiting for 3 days is in college, is your time and effort not worth staying home?


    Personally, I will not wait in line for more than 30 minutes anywhere or for anything, BF or not. Just not worth my time. definitely not worth the $200 you saved on that computer you waited 3 days in line to get.


    I just don't get the way people think.

    If I made $250 a day at work I sure would not need to be looking for deals to start with.

  3. I am always amazed at the amount of entitlement some people think they have. Why on earth is it ok for *you* to not have to play the same game every one else does. Get to the store stand in the line and deal with it.

    Stop trying to ruin BF for those that are not looking to cheat all the time.

  4. I have no problem at all with selling tickets.


    I did however, have a HUGE problem with the family of 2 last year that was in front of me.

    The last few hours of waiting and they let there very large family in line with them (5 more people).

    I , being a little tired and ticked off said they need to move or I will get store employees.

    Well, only one guy spoke English and PROMISED they were not there for tickets just to keep them company. Low and behold they all snatched up a ticket for the $229. laptop and I was the last person to get a ticket.

    I know this is more about line jumping then ticket selling .....

  5. I have no idea now, its so different then last year. Last year the $229. laptop at BB was a must for us.

    I really need to know if this is it? Will we still see any secrete deals but when I asked the post was removed and now I just dont know what to expect.

  6. knowing its out there is killing me :P


    then again I wrap and re-wrap my own presents cause Ic ant stand not knowing whats inside :P

    I do the same thing!! When I was a small child I opened all the gifts under the tree and then re wrapped them in toilet papaer thinking no one would ever notice....:sidesplit

    When people send stuff for my kids, I also have to open those and re wrap them, I just can not deal with the waiting.

    Sorry for the OT.

  7. Hi, I have read and read but I am still feeling like a duck out of water. I found this one:


    at staples.com and it seems ok, any opinions? I just cant spend more then $100. and was desperately hoping for an amazing $50 BF deal but it looks like that will not be the case.


    Thanks in advance for any info on this one I linked to.

  8. No, it was not in the ad, it was listed on their website Thanksgiving week, and I believe there was a commercial or two promoting it, as well as the cheap name brand tv's they were offering.

    Thank you, I guess Ill just have to sit tight and wait and see ....

  9. Well I am so confused, I was one of the people camped out from 11:00 am Thursday morning for the $200 laptop last year. I was EXCITED.

    However I was SURE it was in the add. Are you guys sure it was not??

    I wanted SO bad to be able to get my son a laptop this year but if there is nothing 200 or less I cant pull it off.

    Big bummer .....

  10. My son and I go every year, we leave the house by 10:00 am thanksgiving morning and we spend the night in the BB line. I get the tickets I want for myself and he (who is there for not only my safety but for company) get at least one ticket to sell.

    I have NO problem with this at all.


    Lines jumpers on the other hand need to be arrested!

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