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Posts posted by dustysky

  1. Considering my unexpected surgery I was so upset that our yearly camp out at BB was going to be canceled but now I am not as upset considering once again 2 years in a row now NOTHING special :(

    I was so excited about the 99. net-book rumors that I did not even let myself think about that fact that they were JUST remorse ... we need 3 of them so I was just so READY to go get them. Big disappointment. And we need a CHEAP PC I still have yet to see one that is 200. or under.


    It sure does seem like the stores have NO interest in making it into the BLACK anymore on this shopping day.

  2. Just an update - I am beyond upset. I sit here typing this on my laptop from a hospital room :(

    I came into the er yesterday with stomach pain and was admitted. Come to find out a previous hernia surgery has "gone bad" and I will be heading down to the operating room today at 2:00.


    With that being said I will not make it to the store opening and BF looks bleak (I actually cried about this, real tears and all!!).

    Everyone keeps telling me to worry about my health and that BF is no big deal but I know if anyone will understand ALL of you would truly understand.


    I know there is the online shopping but thats just not the same as camping out with my son.

    I am sad :(

  3. I'll be game for bestbuy this year in sarasota, fl. I expect to be first, as I was last year. Don't think ill need a shopping partner, but always enjoy to chat with people.


    Do you live in Sarasota? I am in Port Charlotte and depending on the deals I am torn between Sarasota, Fort Myers and the brand new Port Charlotte store this year.

    What time do you get there to be first?

  4. I probably won't be in Portsmouth. Only if TRU has something great. Won't even attempt BB! A couple of years ago the line went past Barnes & Noble at 8:30 Thanksgiving night! I'm good! ;) I'm hoping for a good Staples ad, then I will be in Seabrook. If there is a really good Wal-mart ad I will be in Epping. :)

    Your post made me smile, I lived in Seabrook/ Amesbury/ Salisbury and I miss home so much, we have been in FL now for 11 years and I hate it.

  5. Thank you 8truthes for that VERY informational info :)


    We are looking for a computer for my husband. He does 4 things online

    #1 - checks the red sox scores (in season)

    #2 - Reads the online newspaper from our home town

    #3 - Stalks craigslist for more junk we do not need

    #4 - once in a great while he will checks out you tube for music or funny stuff


    He does not even have an email address or know how to check email.

    With all that being said I think the bottom of the barrel would be ok for him :)


    Now if my son gets his hands on it we are in trouble - lol

  6. We always bring the tent and extra blankets for the floor of it to lay on, this year I would like to get a CHEAP air mattress to use instead. I need one that will self inflate as there will be no power supply. I am way to weak to pump one up.

    Any ideas?

  7. For the most part all of the BB does the ticket system. It comes from the home office. I would ask the manager at your new store and see what they will do.

    I think I will stop in and chat with him, thanks for the idea :)

  8. I have done BB for years now in the same town which happens to be 40-45 minutes away from home for me.

    I have always been in the first 50 and have gotten to know the people who show up year after year and we all "watch out" for each other.

    This year they opened a new BB 5 minutes from my house (not open yet - another week is the predicted open date) defiantly in time for BF.


    I am a little torn about being at the new one simply because of the friends we haven gotten to know.

    More importantly I am concerned because it is BRAND NEW will they run things nearly as smooth as the established BB's??


    So what I want to know is if there is a certain protocol that all BB's follow, i.e. giving tickets etc or does each store do things there own way??

  9. Chigg and Dusty,


    Why don't you just get a job at a retail store for black friday? They are always looking for employees. Work 16 hours on Black Friday...


    $8.00 x 16 regular pay = $128

    $4.00 x 8 hours over time = $32


    Total = $160


    Save yourself a day or two camping in a tent, spend Thanksgiving with your family, etc.

    No thanks, my family and I will happily camping out together.

    After I sell a few tickets I will have made the $160 you speak of.

    Oh and I have a job ;)

  10. Is it too vague to say "lack of common courtesy" - the things I've seen people do to save $10 on a toy/item that will be discarded by the middle of January. Somebody touched on it earlier in the thread - the philosophy has changed, crowds are more rude, almost angry, in their pursuit of their targets now.

    And this is why I walk around with a smile on my face, lol.

    Its funny people either lighten up and smile back or they give me that look, the "this girl must be off her meds" look - lol

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