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Everything posted by shoptiludrop

  1. I just got it, $121.94 shipped to me, will now cancel my Circuit City order for $133 for same camera. Very happy about this....Thanks!
  2. Great brand. My daughters (10,13) both have a similar version. Although they are careful with their stuff, they are still kids! They work great, plenty of room for growth (theirs are 5 gigs so they hold 2500 songs, but no photos) but this one as stated will hold 2000 songs! I just ordered this very one for my husband for christmas! Order away, your son will love it!
  3. BF is not BF without the coffee from Dunkin Donuts, hazelnut of course, to keep me warm while freezing in line and laughing my butt off (we live in Maine) with my sister-in-law who thought I was crazy for doing this until she went with me 2 years ago!
  4. Just when my husband thought he could sleep in, now he will have his own list sitting by the computer that morning that he will be responsible for! What a fantastic feature. Thanks!
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