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  1. I am hoping we will get them down to $5 or less! :cheesy:
  2. just got my email code in my email!! http://www.kodakgallery.com/gallery/kodak-free-photo-gift.jsp?sourceId=733798008703&cm_mmc=Display-Adv-_-Offer-_-AffID-71405758703-_-Online-Advertising •1 FREE gift of $15 good towards the Kodak Gallery website (fulfilled as a digital code) per person limit. •If/once the $15 gift codes are exhausted in each phase, 40% off gift codes will be given away. •If you are the recipient of a 40% off gift code, you may come back to the promotion during the next phase to receive a $15 gift code. •Visitors must register for the promotion and opt-in to receive future information from the Kodak Gallery in accordance with our privacy policy to be eligible for the FREE gift and/or discount code. •300,000 $15 gift codes will be given away over the course of the promotion. Please see the breakdown to see how many $15 digital codes will be given away per promotion phase. Kodak Gallery is also giving away other gifts through other offers, totaling 1 million gifts. PHASE DATES ARE AS FOLLOWS: Phase 1 (Oct 20 - Oct 28):Minimum 100,000 $15 Gift Codes will be given away Phase 2 (Oct 29 - Nov 5):Minimum 100,000 $15 Gift Codes will be given away Phase 3 (Nov 6 – Nov 13):Minimum 100,000 $15 Gift Codes will be given away •Must be eligible for the promotion according to eligibility within the Official Rules.
  3. Found today in Hooksett, NH--they had quite a few left of both ###062260539 Home Brand Full/Queen Flannel Comforter Set 8.74 (75%off) ###don't know the DCPI but the had a ton of jewelry armoire boxes for 14.98 (75%off)
  4. LEGO Star Wars MagnaGuard Starfighter List Price: $44.99 Amazon's Price: $33.74 (25% off) Gold Box Discount: - $10.75 Gold Box Price: $22.99 (48% off) http://www.amazon.com/LEGO-Star-Wars-MagnaGuard-Starfighter/dp/B00160EZIQ/ref=xs_gb_A20AOO2Z179FY6?%5Fencoding=UTF8&m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pfRdReplace=1
  5. Aaahhhh Cra*, I keep trying to be done shopping but with all these great deals, I cannot stop. With the help of this site I have saved over $500 on gifts this year!!! Ordered one for DS 9, thank you OP, I am so happy!!
  6. When OP posted this on Tuesday, Amazon had accidentally listed the price as 89.99 and then had a promotion for 25% off so I was able to snatch mine up for 67.49 before they corrected the mistake! This is why I live by the Gottadeal website and risk losing my job to read about all the great deals!!
  7. Our gunship arrived today, thanks again OP!! Love the 67.49 price that we got with the price mistake!!
  8. Thank you OP!!! You have just helped me finish my sons big Santa list!!!! I cannot tell you how much I love gottadeal! I have spent and saved so much money!!!!!!
  9. I had purchased it for 9.95 but was able to cancel and re-order for 4.95, thanks op!!!!
  10. amazon does not price adjust anymore:yuck:
  11. http://www.circuitcity.com/ccd/Search.do?searchType=user&keyword=Tday&searchSection=All They had the microsoft office for $69.99 like bestbuy, but at CC it ships free. Don't forget cashback sites when ordering!
  12. Part of their Member Monday's promo Wii Fit w/ Balance Board & Shaun White Game $118.64 http://www.samsclub.com/shopping/navigate.do?dest=5&item_nbr=532787&iid=11-17-08_Creative|Splash|MemberMondays Out of stock now, sorry to those that missed it.
  13. Try this link to Oprah's website, once there click on the snapfish link then you need to register or login..... http://www.oprah.com/slideshow/oprahshow/20081029_tows_messyhouse/7
  14. not available for pick up for me, but only 2.99 to ship, thanks OP!
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