I've had many rebates several years ago not honored because I stapled the UPC... even though it says attach, often the fine print will state do not staple ... as a result, I will use one piece of tape (unless it states do not tape) or a paperclip (though I agree that a staple on the photocopy clearly shows it was attached so one would think a staple would be better) I was told that many in many rebate houses the employees are told to remove (and throw away) anything stapled to the document as they can’t have it stapled As for the rebate receipt problem, I come across that often so on deals that require items purchased on the same receipt, fry's usually gives me a photocopy of the original receipt stamped (several times) stating that it is an original invoice or something stating it was a proper original receipt for a rebate... and told to use that for the fry's portion of the rebate and it has always been honored. If the items are not purchased together I usually do separate transactions but often (I think depending on price) this creates another problem of them needing additional information for the credit card ... for some reason the same card can't be used on consecutive purchases without an imprint with signature on each subsequent purchase... I was told it was for two reasons, if the purchase price was the same... people were claiming with their credit card companies that they were charge twice. The second reason given was it was to protect against the next person in line using your card if for some reason it wasn't handed back to you or you just left it on the counter... either way with today’s identity theft and dumpster diving, I am always weary that the multi part manual credit card slip they use for the imprint will somehow get misused. It wouldn't be a problem if they took amex as then I would have another 2-3 cards to use.