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Everything posted by imginah
Are Black Friday Sales REALLY that great or is it just the thrill?
imginah replied to bfaddict1977's topic in 2010
You accidentally placed a ' in place of all your g's. Sorry... I'm just nit-picky. -
Are Black Friday Sales REALLY that great or is it just the thrill?
imginah replied to bfaddict1977's topic in 2010
You'd have to beat me with a large stick to make me bring a kid shopping with me on BF! It's my one holy day of shopping. I detest shopping the other 364 days of the year and I don't want my one day ruined by chillens. For me it used to be the thrill of the chase, but since everyone started implementing these lines it's kind of ruined it. I can't be in 4 or 5 lines at once and by the time I get my truly big ticket item the other things I wanted are usually gone or the line is so long it's not worth going for. And since the other stores are making people get in lines there isn't really much point in heading across town there either. I used to have a fighting chance of getting a big ticket item at the mall and literally sprinting across the four lane road and grabbing a big ticket item at Kmart too. Now, sadly, it's not worth dodging the shocked drivers in my flashy PJs. I do still drive 60 miles on Thanksgiving to ransack the closest Kmart though. That does give me some measure of pleasure. :) -
I live in the northernmost city in New York state and I've waited for 12 hours in a blizzard before and I've never brought an arsenal like that with me. I've been to big cities and small towns on BF and I've never seen a single tent or RV. I can't imagine anyone allowing someone to block up the parking lot like that for 3-6 days either. And to think that people think I'm a crazy BF'er. I'm usually the first in line and I've been known to scale counters and literally run out of my shoe and keep going to get an item. I'd never use a portapotty for 6 days...EVER. You guys are dedicated, I'll give you that.
:) My favorite Black Friday moment was the year that Xbox 360 first came out. I was at Walmart and I literally ran right out of my shoe. This guy that had been behind me knew what I was running for, he yelled he'd get my shoe if I got him an Xbox so Ikept going! I ran to electronics, jumped over a barrier to get around a snarl of other shoppers and grabbed three Xboxes. I jumped back over the barrier and this guy that had my shoe shoved it on my foot and took his Xbox. It was the wildest Black Friday ever! I had so much fun that year!
And I don't understand alot about electronics, but what the heck is the hububb about blu-ray? I don't own one and I don't think I'm missing out on anything. Will all DVDs be blu-ray eventually or is it just another gimmick?
I planned on buying ZERO Christmas purchases at Walmart this year. I planned on boycotting them from wrapping paper to scotch tape to crackers and gift tags. I was going to take 100% of my buying power to someone else's doorstep in protest to the lack of empathy to folks who used to use layaways. But on seeing the CNN article, and realizing I can get an Xbox AND the guitar hero game and guitar for $199.92 I have changed my mind. But only to the point of purchasing those two items. I have finished ALL my shopping in record time this year, and those Xboxes were the only things left on my absolutely must have list. Seriously, if I had to drive 100 miles one way to get the same thing for the same price somewhere else I would. hehe
I seriously get more excited when an ad is posted than I do when I open gifts on Christmas day. Am I weird?
If they want to keep up with other retailers, they should bring back layaways!!!!
POGO thread for everything POGO related
imginah replied to jarerice's topic in Freebies & Free Offers
Thanks I got my 50k! -
I want to wait in line with the guy bringing the tent and the heater! I live in Northern NY and it's calling for temps in the low 20's or below! I brought a huge tank sized dispenser of coffee and 4 dozen donuts one year and sold them from the front of the line. I donated all the money to toys for tots. THey had a huge truck set up outside collecting on black friday. But they only did it once so I haven't done it since then either... I should do that again. hehe
The last three Christmases have been very depressing for me. In 2004 my husband was in Iraq, then in 2005 my grandma died, she was like a mom to me, and my son moved out of my house just weeks before Thanksgiving last year He went and grew up on me... darn him! I used to decorate the weekend after Thanksgiving, but I actually decorated on Christmas eve those last three years. My husband surprised me in 2005 and came home three days before christmas and he decorated that year. I hope to decorate right after thanksgiving this year though!!!
I like either white, or colored, NEVER multicolored. But I do have a soft spot for the ginormous multicolored lights that EVERYONE had when I was a kid in the seventies. It was a big deal to decorate outside then. We were the only family for blocks around that did it and it made us feel special! hehe
PS I think this and the favorite holiday song threads are the neatest things! I have really REALLY enjoyed reading what you all do on special days and your favorite songs.. It makes everyone seem more real to me somehow! YaY to you guys! :hugs:
When I was little Christmas Eve day was all about baking and cleaning, we had a HUGE party every Christmas Eve with hundreds of people popping in and out from around 5pm til midnight. When we were teens it slowed down to a few close friends and all the family going to my parents and we each opened one gift. My parents ALWAYS have stayed up after everyone left and went to bed and they open their gifts from each other. Now we (kids and grandkids) all go to my parents along with family friends and have enough snacks to kill us, along with my grandmothers tutiere (french meat pies that everyone but me hates) and open all our gifts from each other and my parents then we leave. We went to my gram's on Christmas day when we were kids, but now we have our own kids and do our own things then go to my parents for a light dinner if we feel like it.. I just stay home and sleep...hehe
I usually rush to wrap everything on Christmas Eve... I'm a horrible wrapper and my husband is Anal Annie about it. He loves to wrap with striped paper and make every stripe line up on the ends. He does it in varying designs but every stripe matches exactly and it looks like the paper was painted on the box:yuck: . He makes me sick... hehe
OMG I am a Christmas Carol JUNKIE! I LOVE THEM ALLLLLLLLL!!! There is one that has been stuck in my head for the entire year... SERIOUSLY I don't know the name but it's kind of operatic and it goes... "la la la la merry christmas... la la la la la la la la" hehe I have been la laing since last December!
They were closed the last time I went to a BF sale in the town closest to me that has one. But that was two BF's ago. Hopefully they will, that's my dad's FAVORITE store...:)
Oooh I wish we had a Harbor Freight up near me!! I'm in the middle of nowhere.. we didn't even have a Kohl's until a year and a half ago... Target came a year ago and those are both 65 miles away from me
I go every year too! Even when they have stuff I don't want. It's a tradition. We always go there and then hit a certain diner that's on the way home and have another Thanksgiving dinner there... hehe My Kmart is 65 miles from home so I have to refuel. I live in a rural area and Thanksgiving Day is also the first day that two different radio stations switch to ONLY Holiday music so it really gets you in the mood!!! I just love my Kmart trips on turkey day!
Mine starts on Thanksgiving too! I drive about an hour to the closest Kmart after I have my Thanksgiving dinner. Then when I'm done at Kmart, if there are other stores open I check them out too. Then I stop at Longways Diner and have a post Thanksgiving dinner, hehe. After I get home I wrap what I've purchased today so I don't get behind, then I go to bed early and get up around midnight. I have to drive about an hour to the Army base and I like to be first in line with my group of grabbers at the AAFES store. Then I go into the city and hit all the stores in the mall after AAFES opens. I usually still have time to get to the mall before they open their doors. Then I stop at Longway's Diner and have a post shopping breakfast. Longways has been a Black Friday tradition forever and the cook and waitresses always come out on Thanksgiving and ask what I'm getting. Several times I've even gotten a few things they wanted to grab but had to work the early morning shift. Once I had to wait out a blizzard there! They make my Black Friday enjoyable after fighting the crowds and traffic!
I have been doing black friday as long as there have been black friday sales in my area. I think around 13 years. hehe
I dress in layers and bring something to keep me occupied like a handheld solitaire game. One year I brought four lawn chairs, a huge cooler filled with coffee and six dozen donuts. I parked myself right up front next to the doors and sold all the goodies. I then donated the proceeds to the local giving tree. I took down everyone's names who bought coffee and/or donuts and put their name down as a donater too. I might do the same this year, my son is all grown and I don't know what I'll do otherwise!
I ran right out of my shoe one year going after a gamecube. Someone stepped on my shoe and I just kept going. The girl I had met in line grabbed my shoe and I grabbed her a gamecube... hehe I was like Mel Gibson that year, someone stepped in front of me on my way into Electronics after the gamecubes and I never stopped running, me and my one sock foot hopped up onto the checkout counter and slid into Electronics before I started passing the cubes to people who came after me. Once I was able to get out I got my shoe, ran up front, checked out and I was home and back in bed in less than an hour. YaY!!!