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Posts posted by lot-narth

  1. i was hoping for one for 100-150 with windows 7 - something for my mate


    i have a great hpmini with 280 processor, 2g mem, 16 solid state hd, and 6hr battery and it is wonderful - I'm using it now and since it weighs like 2lbs I can hold it in one hand and type in the other while i walk. I've used it for work and fun for the last 2 months with no troubles

  2. ok as I posted earlier tried to get task #2 done with kmart and walmart and failed soooo my husband was going to lowes this evening so I tagged along with my signs. Task #2 failed again they said they could not take pictures with their uniform on so I took my gottadeal logo printout and stuck it on one of their christmas trees and took a pic. hopefully this will count . when i put my paper on the tree a lady just stood there staring at me like I lost my mind I told her "Hey this is a great site you should check it out " my husband thought we were going to get kicked out! I cannot get my pic on this post for some reason so I will email it to you with my gottadeal user name.

    Did you leave the sign on the tree?



    While picking up my prescriptions, I got a Target cashier to hold the sign.






    The Upjohn Company was a pharmaceutical manufacturing firm founded in 1886 in Kalamazoo, Michigan by Dr. William E. Upjohn, an 1875 graduate of the University of Michigan medical school. The company was originally formed to make friable pills, which were specifically designed to be easily digested. These could be "reduced to a powder under the thumb", a strong marketing argument for the time. This is the site of the building in which basement Upjohn founded his company.













    Kalamazoo was originally named Bronson. Bronson was frequently described as "eccentric" and argumentative and was later run out of town, so they changed the name of the town too. On August 27, 1856, Abraham Lincoln spoke at a rally in Kalamazoo's Bronson Park, promoting the presidential candidacy of John C. Fremont, who was running on the ticket of the newly formed Republican Party. The occasion marks Lincoln's only visit or public address within the State.

    This is not the canon that blew off some people's limbs and killed a guy on the centennial birthday (that one is bronzed and not on show). However, this canon is dedicated to soldiers who served in the Philippine insurrection, the Chinese Relief Expedition, and the war with Spain.












    The phrase "from Timbuktu to Kalamazoo" resulted from this strange name, and has served to enter it into pop culture. Today, t-shirts are sold in Kalamazoo with the phrase "Yes, there really is a Kalamazoo".



  4. OK, I did all four takes, then while I was doing them my mother who is in town decided it was fun and wanted to sign up for an account and do all the tasks herself (hers will probably be posted tomorrow as she is not good with computers and I'll have to upload the photos for her). :o

    Christmas Ornament at Hobby Lobby (no other stores in our area had trees up yet)










    I posted a flyer on the bulletin board in the professors room at the history department of WMU.





  5. 1. Anything with Penguins - the entire house has penguin stuff (dishes, blankets, big outdoor ones, snowbaby penguins, dog toy penguins, pajama penguins, etc)


    2. jcpenny's snowglobe bf giveaways - i line them up by year over my computer


    3. Florida Gator themed Christmas stuff


    4. I have a Christmas village I set up every year, but there are no houses or buildings - only the outdoor themed ones - like the Christmas Story boys with the tongue one the flag post or skaters, lighted trees and lamp posts, carolers, woodland scenes, etc


    5. My Little Pony Christmas ornaments and ponies

  6. I get Cinder (wolf/german shep mix) and Claudius (brit tabby) both presents on my birthday and for Christmas. Cinder gets more cause she will actually play with things and is alot bigger so she eats more. They both have their own stockings that the eat up while we are exchanging gifts. Cinder will usually find her BIG bone under the tree and Claudius will find his blanket sometimes before I get it wrapped. One year Cinder also claimed a comforter present as her own cause the cat got a blanket.


    Also on Thanksgiving and Christmas, once we are done eating, I let Cinder and Claudius have their own turkey and ham plates.

  7. Other than the time I waited out in front of CC all night in the worse blizzard that we had that year, the story that still gets told and retold in my house is the BF when the Oaks Mall in Gainesville Florida was giving out free gift bags with coupons and prizes to the first 500 people through their front doors.


    People were crowding around the doors quite early that morning, dawn was just starting to shed light through the darkness. My mother and I were in the fifth row of people in front of the middle doors, for there was no such thing as a line. About five minutes before the doors were to open, the anxious crowd gathered even closer together, the mist of their breath nearly fogging up the glass windows that was the entrance to the mall. Everything was very orderly inside the mall. Workers had tables behind them piled high with the gift bags that would all too quickly be gone. A cameraman had a camcorder on a tripod off to one side. They were ready, or they thought they were.


    The front doors were allowed to be open, they were not busted off their hinges. The first few people trickled gingerly through the entrance to grab their bags and be off on their way. It was shortly after this that all forms of civility were put aside and a force coming from the back of the crowd funneled the eager people through the two open doors like meat through a grinder or more like a small planet next to a black hole.


    Just after I passed through the doors, a lady dashed between my mother and I, stepping on my ankle in the process. Not my foot, but high on my ankle bone. I don't know how that happened, but I do know that I was sprawled out just inside the mall in front of a crazed mob of frenzied shoppers, all the while, not being able to feel my foot from the ankle down.


    At this point, my mother, seeing that her 90lb 27 year old daughter was about to be trampled into the ground by the surging mob, stood between the doors like Gandalf the Grey in front of the Balrog in the mines of Moria shouting “None shall pass”. And just like the fellowship, I was saved from certain death (or at least drastic damage). I struggled to rise on my twisted, sprained ankled, just as Gandald-Mom faltered and the tide rushed forth.


    Staring in horror, the mall employees jumped across their tables in a desperate attempt to retreat. The cameraman was knocked back, and his video footage would be stopped short before it could really capture the assault. This fool was able to get a bag and slipped under the table to escape the crushing pulse of the crowd.


    There used to be a video from the poor shocked cameraman on the web at a news site, but when I went to look for it and post a link, it wasn't there anymore - it has been a couple of years.

  8. if you want ads, go to your local stores, befriend the employees and try to get some ads early so we can post them. everyone is waiting for someone else to leak the ads - be proactive! :P

    I've definitely tried that.

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