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Posts posted by SuperMommy

  1. Don't assume anything.


    It's a war zone.


    Take no prisoners.


    Get in line early.




    It's every man/woman for theirself!!! :gdevillaugh:


    Wear comfortable clothes!! And make sure to have your running shoes on! :gdrunner:


    Also, I always have a list of exactly what I want from each store. And I carry my Christmas list with me. That way if I see something for someone I know if I still need a present for them or not. And when I get them something I can write in down.

  2. We usually start at Circuit City. Then we hit the mall right next to it. Eventually make it around to Wal-Mart for the all day sales. No way I'd go there first!! :runaway: Then we hit stores like Wal-Greens, Radio Shack, Target, etc.
  3. DH and I are wanting to get the girls some box sets of the old cartoons that they have started putting out. The cartoons on tv today just stink! So, we want them to have some of the "classics". Not sure if all of these have been put on DVD yet, but some of the ones we'd be interested in are:

    The Jetsons

    The Flinstones

    The Smurfs

    Woody Woodpecker

    Fraggle Rock


    Really, any of those from that time period would be great! Just wandering if any of you had found any good deals on any of these!

  4. I have a nice watch for one of the boys that I picked up from Kohls. I have jeans and other clothes I know there are hoodies from Aeropostle that I picked up for 5.00 a piece. I have some toys for DD3 that I held back from last year (she was getting way to much) I have some small electronic dart boards, and some stocking stuff but I do not remember what. DD3 will need winter clothes and DD18 is harder to but for. She wants a six string Seagull guitar and I do not think I can get it this year. I am so glad that I have some stuff put away. Thanks for reminding me.


    Hoodies at Aeropostale for $5?? That's a great deal!! I, myself, love their polos. They fit me better than any other brand. So when they have them for $9.99, I always pick up a couple.

  5. It depends on who has what. We're pretty set for electronics for a while, so we'll probably be looking for stuff for Luke. Maybe TRU? I've only ever been in there twice in my life. :lmao:


    Luke's a year old and you've only been twice! You should be ashamed of yourself. :3paperbag


    TRU, you're asking for a fight. LOL :gdbees:

  6. No deal, but some warnings. We live an hour away and we still haven't been. Reason being is it's still packed!!! My dad and stepmother went a couple months ago and said they could barely walk through the place. Also, you need to make reservations. They only give out a limited number of "walk up" tickets a day b/c it's so packed. Most people call and make reservations.


    We love aquariums and zoos, but with Lexi in her stroller, we don't want that many people bumping into her. So, we're going to wait.

  7. :2welcome:

    Welcome new members and welcome back to those that were with us last year. It's exciting to see the BF crowd starting to pop up!:trampolin

    But remember GottaDeal isn't just a Black Friday site. It's a deals forum that is open all year long. We hope to see some of you sticking around after BF and becoming "regulars"!! :gdflower3:


    BTW, for those that are new- I'm a stay at home mother of two. Miss Lexi will be 4 in October and Miss Kaylie is 5 months old. I am 23 (though somedays I feel 40 :tongue1: ). This will be my 4th BF!


    See my userpage for pics of my girls!

    SuperMommy's Page

  8. Yeah I remember after the CNN story broke. I couldn't get on, and I was freakin out. And then the lite version came on later. So I bet alot of people will remember from last year.

    Oh gosh!! I remember that all too well!! I think I was going through withdrawls. :runaway:

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