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Everything posted by amickeyfan

  1. Thanks ..just placed my order
  2. I just got the Samsung Tab A and love it. I had an IPad 2nd gen that I hardly used because I hated it. Yes, I paid 149 for the Samsung on sale in Bestbuy
  3. I left Sprint for that very reason. I switched to T-Mobile. Purchased my phone, cheaper rates and no contract. Yet they are now one company. I want to add, I had been with Sprint since 1997 too. Every time I purchased a new phone, even if not from them, they started a new 2 yr contract on me.
  4. Walmart website not working for me...urgh! Cannot add anything to my cart
  5. My Elsa is now marked as shipped
  6. anna says shipped and arrival date 12/7. Now Elsa says processing and expected arrival date 12/7. Makes no sense. I just hope they deliver both. They have only charged me for Anna.
  7. I just checked my order. Anna is being shipped today, no word on Elsa other than it's ordered.
  8. Hmmm maybe sold out online? I know when I ordered said they weren't available in store but they are with the 20% off coupon code text to your phone. I went to Target before.
  9. Yeah with tax mine was $67 and change. My tax must be higher lol My granddaughter is just going to be 2 and I know recommended age is 3, but going to let my daughter decide on when I should give to her. For that price, I will hold onto them for her.
  10. My size Elsa or Anna with free shipping today $40, then use code TOYS for an additional 20% o ff. They are normally 59.99 each. I just got both for $64. http://m.target.com/p/disney-frozen-my-size-elsa-doll/-/A-15423849 http://m.target.com/p/disney-frozen-my-size-anna-doll/-/A-15423850
  11. I considered this deal but Sam's Club has a 290 watt for $139 so I'm going with that
  12. Crashed again
  13. not a happy camper with BB right now. I have to go into the store for the $99 Iphone upgrade deal...that will take forever! I don't understand why they don't do the upgrades online. They did last year
  14. I purchased 2 I-pad mini's and only rec'd one e-gift card.. I called them today and they said when I pick up my I-pads (today) they will email me the other????? hmmm that is not what their order tracking stated. That stated that they were emailing it the day it was shipped out (just as other was). Which they never did email out. One of my TV's is in yet I never got an email telling me, I only found out when I called the store today to verify that the I-pads were in fact there for pick up. Their entire system is messed up! I had another TV delivered to my sister's house and there is no word on that, so when I called the 800 number, they assured me "all" 1 hour guarantee's would be in stores by Sunday regarless what online order status states. We shall see
  15. seems all I am checking are in store only... ???? Gators, Yankees, Mets???? I wonder since they are so cheap, they are all instore only? Nope found some Dolphins that are online
  16. shipping is $6.95? That is too high to pay for something that is only $10 (or worse yet $9) It only pays if you order mulitple
  17. I ordered from Apple and within 30 mintues changed my mind. They were able to change the order. Another time from Apple I tried to cancel and order 2 days after it was placed, and could not. However they emailed me a self address prepaid label to ship it back as soon as the item arrived at my house.. WalMart just stinks, they have no customer service and the only reason why they stay in business is because of their low prices. If everyone banned together and stopped shopping with them due to their customer service, maybe the company would open their eyes
  18. thanks! just added to my shopping cart with Amazon!
  19. This was actually my second time getting one from there. I had gone there once before to purchase one when my daughter lost her first one! Back then they even engraved the refurbished. Now they do not do that anymore. We have that one somewhere in the house, but where I do not know. My son is 27 and fell on hard times so we put him on our phone plan with only "talk". I would have to upgrade my plan to add text and data for him (I have it on one phone but not 2nd and to add to 3rd, they will make me change my plan ) So I figured this was a cheap way out :yay: He can use the I-pod for text and facetime talk when around WiFi, not to mention he can browse the web! Cheaper than an I-phone!!! When he gets back on his feet, he can get his own phone plan
  20. I went to the Apple.com store and got a refurbished one for my son for Christmas! They come with the same warranty as a new one. I paid $299 ( $319 with tax) for a 5th generation 64GB Black one. It is the one with the back camera and strap. http://store.apple.com/us/product/FD724LL/A/refurbished-ipod-touch-64gb-black-slate-5th-generation They do have the 32GB for $219, they also have the 16GB but I do not remember how much they were as I was looking at the others.
  21. Every year the same question is asked and here I find myself asking it this year. I am really wondering if since the brick and morter will be opening at 6pm Thursday, when will the online prices start? I know BB tends to wait to even it out with the West Coast shoppers, but wonder if it will be earlier this year?
  22. didn't they have free shipping in previous years if you spent a certain amount or something? I know when I ordered last time I ordered 4 and ended up with free shipping?????? maybe it was over $50 for free shipping then
  23. another option if you don't find any deals over BF would be to look on your local Craig's List, but never for a car seat! That you have to buy new. I hit a super sale over the summer in Target on car seats for my daughter who is due in Jan with her first child. They had some they were discontinuing in store only. They were marked down 60% off!! I did manage to find like new items on Craig's List over time, such as the high chair, the pack and play, the bouncer, Chicco Stroller, both full size and LiteWay models. Found full size swing, mini swing.. it took me since May till now to do this after weeding out some that looked like trash when I showed up to look at it. I also tried to meet people in public places or take another person with me so I would not be in a postion of being alone in someones home! Also found clothes with tickets on for a fraction of the price in the store.. found them both on Craig's List, as well as Consignment Shops. I will say Craigs List is cheaper than Consignment since you are cutting out the middleman ... just a thought.....
  24. good luck with your order... hope they have some items left...
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