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Everything posted by Cinnamonhuskies

  1. I do too! btw...not knowing what a doorbuster was...seriously?!
  2. If they do that this year, that will be the end of Walmart BF for me. Not worth the hassle.
  3. I get him next...he'll be here Friday LOL Glad its a good CD, he has an amazing voice and stage presence. I wanted to get the Sting winter CD but i read some bad reviews of it that it doesn't have the same sound as his other albums. If i got it cheap enough i might try it.
  4. LOL watch them sell out fast anyway. People have the lightning deal fever.
  5. oh my goodness what does this rep take us for, fools?!
  6. You mean, 'wait and watch as these stores' systems crash all at the same time!'
  7. [quote name='iluvwalmart;1987420]I don't think that's gonna apply this year given they have stated there doing things different this year. In the past i've had things in my cart and the price changed....but then again theres been items that had a special sku for the BF sale that i had to hurry and add to my cart and checkout pronto.
  8. so 3am EST? OMG and i gotta cook all of TDay dinner tomorrow. Gasp-I won't sleep for 2-3 days or so....
  9. need to know that too...got my list ready....
  10. aha...same one bb has for $1.99...cool! faster, free shipping at amazon! The Rod stewart one is $1.99 too.
  11. Whitney Houston Greatest $5.99 http://www.amazon.com/Will-Always-Love-You-Whitney/dp/B009J2VR3Y/ref=xs_gb_20_left-3_6_B009J2VR3Y?pf_rd_p=1407001962&pf_rd_s=center-6&pf_rd_t=701&pf_rd_i=20&pf_rd_m=ATVPDKIKX0DER&pf_rd_r=0BY8KRAA1NX2TW5VH3GV
  12. I havent checked to see if there are more, but there might be... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B008J34466/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i00 http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009LXEBD4/ref=oh_details_o00_s00_i01 http://www.amazon.com/Merry-Christmas-Baby-Rod-Stewart/dp/B008ELUEQC/ref=sr_1_1?s=music&ie=UTF8&qid=1353466823&sr=1-1&keywords=rod+stewart+christmas
  13. 2 hours?! OMG what a trooper, i would have given up!
  14. 'Lightening Deal - Summer Infant Gate' taken from amazon's listing.
  15. I think it'll come up at the regular times too. one on now is a game ds had on his list for friday's sale....but he was hoping the xbox360 version was $5.99 and not just the pc version. ah, he didnt want it that much.
  16. really......i hope not....i thought I had things all planned out and now they plan to change it up?
  17. wow...I was thinking about getting one on dh's acct....dang... also fyi any new orders now have the 2 day option, but I can't change it on any pending orders. I'll get to listen to the post mistress gripe that I'm not having amazon ship with the po box number again.
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