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Everything posted by debnmark

  1. Now $7.99...
  2. Thanks for researching! I feel better.
  3. There were some other items that said that, too, that people said were just outfits. It's really confusing. I'm nervous to order anything LIV from Amazon.
  4. Aren't the first 3 just outfits, too?
  5. I received mine late last week
  6. FREECCDEC - Free Shipping on Any Purchase 12/25/10 I keep trying to enter this code and it tells me "The Promo Code you entered doesn't exist. Please double-check the offer and re-enter the Code. "
  7. i have a ship confirmation now for the game! yippee!
  8. i ordered epic mickey. not cancelled yet. fingers crossed. current status is... Processing Your order is being processed. It is estimated to arrive between Thursday, 12/09/2010 and Thursday, 12/16/2010.
  9. What a deal! I have those coupons, but I'm holding out for the kids sonicare brush. I keep hoping that one will go one sale.
  10. Thanks for all the great feedback. I really appreciate it.
  11. My DD7 is getting both of these soon between Christmas and her January b-day. I'm new to all this video game stuff. My question is what accessories are truly "needed" for the Wii and DSi versus which ones are nice to haves and which ones are not at all necessary? I imagine for the Wii extra controllers are a good idea, but is there anything else I should invest in? For the DSi I know I want to get a carry case that will hold it and games. I see 20-in-1 and 18-in-1 kits that come with screen protectors, styluses, aluminum cases, etc... Do we need all that stuff, if not, what do I need? Thanks in advance for any guidance with this as I am clueless when it comes to video gaming! Heck, I barely even touched my Atari back in the good old days!
  12. Do you have a play it again sports in you area? http://playitagainsports.com/locations.aspx
  13. Thanks for posting this. This explains why it was giving me 20% rather than $10 off on my order. Bummer, but at least there is a reason.
  14. I wasn't trying to use it with toys... I had only fashion accessories on my cart
  15. When I tried to use givejoy on an order over $10 out was only going to give me 20% off if I used a jcp card???
  16. i had the same issue ordering some other items. i just kept trying and it eventually went through. took me maybe 15 minutes or so of trying, but the great prices i got were worth the effort.
  17. can't pass up this price! thanks so much for posting!
  18. thanks for this! i liked last year's selection better, but i stilled pick up a couple of things.
  19. i just chose to ship to store so i didn't need the free shipping option. i tried all the 15% codes (except for those requiring a jc penney charge card as i don't have one) and none worked for me. i had all toys. i was still happy with the prices... one item i had been watching for awhile anyway and am glad i waited as i got it for $10 less today so i'm not complaining... but obviously another 15% would have been nice, too!
  20. did anyone get any of the codes to work?
  21. None of the codes are working for me. Apparently my cyber monday toys do not qualify for any of the 15% discount codes. Oh well. The prices are still pretty good on my items anyway.
  22. Has anyone gotten the wii deal? Nobody at the store seems to know what I'm talking about
  23. my ad looked different than the scan. different/higher prices on some items, too
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