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Everything posted by ilalynch

  1. [bI was disapointed, too [/b] Last year I stocked up on GB games for my son. I drug my teenager out to help me get them. I didn't see one thing so far that I want or NEED! Hopefully Target and Walmart don't disapoint me!!!!
  2. Wow!! Thanks alot for this one! I have a Star Wars fan!
  3. Thank you so much!!! I will see if its worth the money or I will cancell next month but my son is so excited to know that The Wilds will be here tomorrow!
  4. I price matched Target and Kmart last year at Walmart because we don't have any that close to us. It was great!
  5. I have gone alone. While I may get lonely I can always find someone to talk to. I leave my teenager sleeping with my son. It works out better that way!
  6. Hey! I am in northwest Ohio also. I live about 15 south of Findlay so Findlay is my BF destination!!
  7. Hey everyone! I am Ila from northwest Ohio! I am so excited for Black Friday this year. I learned so much from the this site last year that I am hoping to do even BETTER!
  8. Thank you so much! This was perfect! They don't have slim jeans in the store so they gave me a coupon for free shipping. The jeans were on sale for 2/$28 but I got them for $11.20 a peice. Now my skinny butt son will have jeans and ON SALE!!! LOVE IT!!
  9. Oh me either. My teenager will only wear them from VS so I couldn't justify myself buying one until I hit their clearence this summer. They are so comfortable. It almost like you aren't wearing one at all. I am going there tomorrow to get myself a couple more. Thanks for the heads up!!
  10. I did end up getting PM at Walmart... they had some in! Thank you so much for thinking of me! I couldn't find the boards and someone sent me the link! Thank you so much!!!
  11. My daughter and I got there at a7:15 and there were 10 cars in the parking lot I think. I got 2 Gameboy Games and she bought one and a CD. There were limit 2 but for $7.99 I had her get one more. I then went to "look" at WALMART. I only saw about 12 game boy SP in the case. I am getting there at 2:30. Maybe nobody will be tehre but I am going to be in the FRONT of that line~
  12. I am in Northwest Ohio and we have doorbusters! I am price matching though at Walmart! There is nothing at BB that I want tTHAT bad!
  13. Well, maybe you have to be a teenager to appreciate it! LOL!
  14. I already asked about Target. They said they would price match any ad to just bring the ad in.
  15. I was going to price match Laguna Beach DVD at Walmart because the nearest Target is an hour away!!! I went to scope things out and there is NO Laguna Beach DVD at Walmart! Now what to do! This is a top thing on my daughtter's list!!
  16. I asked my Walmart about PM with Target. The nearest Target to me is over an hour away. She said as long its not % or BOGO then they will price match any ad. I asked even with TRU and she said anything. SO I will be able to get my Laguna Beach DVD for $17.88!
  17. Yes I found this in the Walmart ad Portable CD Player - $9.97:greenappl
  18. I am almost postive I saw one at Walmart for $9.xx.
  19. My daughter wants Laguna Beach but the nearest Target is an hour away. I am trying to decide if i want to drive and do Target or stay closer to home and go to Walmart.
  20. If ONLY ONLY ONLY Target wasn't an hour away! I would get the Gameboy SP there instead of Walmart!!!!
  21. ilynch6010
  22. Last year I had no idea what time to get there. I got there 1/2 hour before it opened and the line really wasn't too bad. I think I was out of there in 20 minutes. I just can't imagine being there at 2 am. I don't know if it would be worth it i had to be there *early.
  23. Did you see Best Buy has BOGO? I have to find someone who wants one so I can possibly go half witht them.
  24. WOW! This is an awesome deal! Now if I could find someone to go in with me and go halves. I only need one!
  25. I really am not caring about the size. I was going to get a Nintendo DS for my son but he has said he wants a DVD player for the car. I thought if I could get him a small one and hopefull get the SP that would be awesome.
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