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Everything posted by ilalynch

  1. My daughter is graduating from college and my mom wants to get her a new TV. She has shared her roommates and is still using the old tube TV when she comes home.
  2. I thought Amazon was supposed to have a 32 inch for $97. I have not seen it at all but maybe I missed it!
  3. WOW!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! My daughter needed a new backpack for college because the cheap $15 Walmart backpacks have broken. It only her 3rd semester and we have gotten 2 backpacks. I decided to look and see what I could find. I got her a $40 backpack for $6.41!!!
  4. UGH!! I just orded this YESTERDAY!!! YESTERDAY! Is it worth returning to Amazon for the cheaper price?
  5. My daughter is a first year college student and I signed her up and when I order I tell her just fwd all email..DO NOT LOOK! She uses it for books and I get to use it whenever!!
  6. OOOHHHH Thank you so much for posting this! Not only did I get free shipping but the eyeliner my daughter asked for Chrismas was on sale for $3.49... regularly $6!!
  7. I just won the Ninja Warrior House party. My husband and son watch but I have never watched but my son is SO EXCITED! I was upset about not getting the Just Dance 2. Does anyone know what comes with this House Party? I know I signed up for it but I can't remember what it came with.
  8. I needed a gift for my 17 year old from her brother.. PERFECT!!! And I picked up 80's .. if only I can convince my kids to play with me. Finally something I can beat them at!!
  9. I found one for $19.99 at Hobby Lobby. This was my husband's idea.
  10. I need to get my son basketball shoes. I better call around tomorrow and find out which ones are open and which ones are not! This makes me so sad! I loved those stores! The one I used to go to closed awhile ago!
  11. Those closed a lot of these stores around me. I am going to see if I can find one close because I need basketball shoes for my 8 year old son.
  12. I PM this at Walmart with the coupon. They were not happy with me because after I PM that I PM $42.98 DVD's for only $14.98!!
  13. I really think by far this has been the best ad I have seen!! I am goign to go to Walmart to see if they have the things I need if not I will have to make the hour drive!!
  14. I don't even HAVE a Costco near me!!
  15. My kids say the same thing! They won't go in with me or when I see a Target they yell NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!
  16. I wonder if the last one will be Mario Super Sluggers. I just bought it for my son's birthday next week but if its cheaper than the $49.99 I just spent that one is GOING BACK!!
  17. I was so excited! On Saturday I found ONE MM and 2 pks of the $2.74 kleenexes. My daughter asked why on EARTH we needed 8 boxes of Kleenexes!!
  18. Yea!! I am so happy that some have found the batteries! I have never found any good bargains since I live an hour away but I always check everyone else's posts out!!
  19. I looked and didn't think I saw this posted on here. Yesterday while at Target I found Durasal 12 pk batteries for $1.92. I got 6 packs. They were in the electronic. The red tickets said the oringinal price was $7.98. I was so excited it made up for not finding any MM!!
  20. I forgot to post but I was so excited that I got Rock Band! My kids want it and there isn't much that they do together. But my daughter is 16 and my son will be 8 so I have their together present bought. NOW I am praying that when it comes that they won't see it!
  21. Great deal! I was excited about my $1.77 deal but I am not liking it and about ready to chuck it. I have Ipods and do everything with Itunes. I can't figure out how to get songs on this things and its driving me CRAZY!
  22. Help me! I need a free shipping code to Snapfish! I tried one but they said it has expired! I have 200 prom pictures to print!
  23. I went in real quick today and found Playsation 2 Naruto video game 75% off for $4.98! My son thought I was the best mom EVER!!!
  24. I love that store! Is that the one in Perrysburg?? I am on the other side of Findlay and I want to hit the 3 Targets I know but have to make sure they are 75% first!
  25. OOHHH!! Thanks for the tip!! When will things go to 75%? I live an hour away but love Easter! I liked to buy the premade baskets and save them for bday parties and stuff!
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