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Posts posted by grapico

  1. i woudlve gotten one, but CC douchebags were handing them out to random people, not in order of the line.

    they did the same thing here, dissapointed in how that was handled outside, the people inside were good though. i guess they let the stock people hand out tickets and the dept managers do all the ringing up.

  2. There was only 15 laptop voucher and I was the last one. Thank God.


    I went CC at 1 A.M. What about others???


    Post your experience..

    i got there at 10:30 and didn't get one, there were 15 other people ahead of me who also did not get one who got there even earlier than me!. there were only 15 laptops and 15 desktops... kind of dissapointing as i live in a capitol city, the closest other circuit city is more than 2 hour drive away, only one circuit city in town, and a 350k metro population... screw the 15 minimum, just say ONLY 15... they are covered legally, but is still a bit shady, they could have came out and said something to the people waiting over 8 hours for them and coming up empty handed while they could have gone to say... walmart, i heard each walmart here had 60, and 3 walmarts here, so 180 in the city. somebody i talked to said they showed up at 4:30 and got one... not fair, but hey those are the breaks u know.

    at my circuit city, the aol was down as well they started giving out 250 gift certificates onto the final price instead then going to put it in later or something.

  3. Does it kinda make you wanna kick yourself a little for bringing all the hype to black friday? How many of those 50 people in front of you do you think heard about some of these deals through the Gottadeal grapevine? I bet a lot... maybe not directly but you guys were the first to have most of the ads and word spread quickly about them via various news sources.


    It's probably worth it though :)

    i talked to half the people in front of me the 7 hours before and only one had seen the leaked ads... i think it was the insane deals on laptops... atleast at circuit city for the 200 dollar one that got people there so early, and also the stores opened an hour earlier than usual this year, will it be 4am next year? or all open at midnight like compusa?

  4. I stopped at BB on my way to work this morning just to look around... It was around 9am, they had hundreds of these still available right where you walk in.

    yep i went there at 10 and still had 100s i think they got 500 per store.


    the laptop at the store not allowed here... is decent, and for 349, no aol. almost the same specs as the best buy minus wireless card and has a 14" widescreen which i like better, also you get a free printer.

  5. first person here in line was there at 5:45, i got there at 10:30 and did not get a laptop, thelast person here to get a laptop got in line at 9:30... only 15, and 15 desktops, 27 kodak cameras... thats all i can say now... walmart might have some you can pricematch... good luck. it was over 100 people at 1am, easy. the aol signups also down here, i have to go back in a few... i am very mad at how circuit city handled it, let people cut in line in front of people who have been there 10 hours+, one customer called the cops, very very disorderly, i will not be doing circuit city again for BF. lucky you got the laptop, i never had a prayer.
  6. arg i really want a few things and i DONT want to go to best buy tomorrow i will pay the shipping to avoid that madness and have a gift certificate to spend, the stuff i want is not doorbusters and available online right now i just can't get to them... damn best buy...
  7. You dont need anything like that. The docking station usally is just a stand with a usb port and the printers arent the best of value. they cost a lot of money to run. you'd be better off ordering prints online from walmart

    before reading the thread was going to suggest that as well...if it comes with it for no extra, sure...might use it a few times...but prints are very cheap at walmart and you can send you order in online and go pick them up whenever you want.

  8. yeah that super g is a pretty good one, if you can't find one cheaper... several of my friends picking it up... linksys *is* probably better, i have the wrt54g which if you find on sale is a very good router and has hackable firmware to tweak it to the max., but for the money, plus it will be able to use it awhile as it is enhanced "G" you should be good to go... as long as it doesn't drop packets or something should be fine.
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