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Everything posted by luvwdw

  1. My DD will be 14 in April so I know what you mean. However, I ordered this for her. She is a Tinker Bell nut! My daughter has loved Tinker Bell for a very long time, as a matter of fact we had a really hard time finding anything Tinker Bell when she first started collecting her and now it is everywhere. I am glad there is something "childish" she still holds on to, she'll be grown up soon enough.
  2. Gone already.......Darn!
  3. I am really excited about the deals b/c I have been saving up the gift cards I have gotten for my rx's. So, I will be out of pocket for nothing and will be able to then get all of my money back in ECB's. We are going to Michigan for Christmas this year, so I will save all of my ECB's for last minute things and stocking stuffers for the kds.
  4. We are going to Michigan for the Holidays, so I need a coat. Hopefully with a sweater or a sweatshirt under it, it will be warm enough. I figured for $10.00 I can make it work.
  5. My family constantly teases me about "scamming" - that is until they all realized the money I saved. Now they all love to ask me, "How much did you really pay for this?" I love it when paying less means I can do nice things for my family that I could otherwise not afford. :)
  6. Thanks for finding the review. I almost bought it for my MIL for CHristmas but checked here first to see what everyone here was saying. Bottom line: I decided against it.
  7. Thanks OP! Ordered one for MIL for Christmas. My FIL recently passed away and I thought this might be nice for MIL to keep in the house so she doesn't have to trek out to the garage every time she needs a hammer or screw driver.
  8. Just got this in my e-mail - I am so bummed! We are sorry to inform you that we could not ship the items listed below for your macys.com order placed at Amazon.com on 09/25/2008 because we are out of stock. Amazon Order #: (Removed for privacy) macys.com Order #: (Removed for privacy) 4 of Fiesta Evergreen 831 4 Piece Place Setting Your account has not been charged and any money due will be promptly refunded. You can expect a separate notification about this from Amazon.com. QUESTIONS? If you have questions about this order, including the status of your refund, you can either visit http://www.amazon.com/wheres-my-stuff or reply to this e-mail to get in touch directly with macys.com. Thank you for shopping with macys.com at Amazon.com.
  9. I was able to order 4 sets - Maybe ordering is just hit and miss or something. Items Ordered Price 4 of: Fiesta Evergreen 831 4 Piece Place Setting [Kitchen] Sold by: Macy's (seller profile) $2.97 - 4 item(s) Gift options: None Item(s) Subtotal: $11.88 Shipping & Handling: $5.95 ----- Total Before Tax: $17.83 Estimated Tax: $0.76 ----- Grand Total: $18.59 Thanks OP!
  10. We have done Filet Mingon and Crab Legs with baked potatoes, green beens with almonds and cranberries and salad for the past few years. My husband couldn't care less if there was another Turkey Dinner ever! He will eat turkey once a year for Thanksgivong and that is about it. Fine with me, steak and crab legs is much easier to cook than an enitre tureky or ham dinner.
  11. Arrrgggghhh.... Had 3 pair in my cart and then realized the free shipping code is not working. Not worth it with the shipping costs. Nice find though for those of you that got in on it!
  12. It showed in stock for me and put me through all of the paces of credit card info, etc Then when I clicked on "Place my Order" it showed OOS.
  13. OOS Again! Must be hit or miss or maybe it depends on what region of the country you are from. Great find though, thanks!
  14. How neat!!! However, where I live my $5000.00 worth of snow would be gone rather quickly. $5000.00 down the drain you might say.
  15. We drove by our local Wal-Mart after going to Target and there was NO ONE THERE! I asked my husband to stop so I could pick up an ad (because they didn't have one in the paper) and when I walked in there were literally groups of employees just standing around talking. There were maybe 200 cars in the parking lot and I am sure most of them were employee cars. I just cannot believe that they did not learn from last year's debacle. Listen up Wal-Mart - We are tired of your scare tactics, lame ads, poor customer service and your disregard for other businesses in the community. Your $2.00 gallon jars of pickles just isn't going to cut it anymore.
  16. Newbie to Woot here , What is a Woot Off? and What time does it start?
  17. I think a lot of us are disappointed because we are already savvy shoppers. Personally, I have become spoiled to getting great deals all of the time because of this site so it would take something HUGE to look like a great deal to me. I am sure the average shopper will be happier with the BF ads than we are. Because of this site, I have already saved well over $500.00 on Christmas gifts. I can't even begin to add up the money saved over the entire year.
  18. Thanks OP! Went to the Aero store in Port Richey, FL and got 5 shirts and a pair of jeans for my daughter and 5 shirts for my son. Total out the door: $73.37
  19. None of the CVS have this in stock in my area. I was told it was new and they have not gotten thier first shipment yet. However, one store did give me arain check that includes the ECB's.
  20. Went out last night and got the last PS2 bundle the Spring Hill, FL Target had on the shelf. I wan't too sure about having the wired guitars, but it was such a good deal, I couldn't pass it up. All of the other controllers my kids have are wired (shock contollers, DDR pads) so i guess it really isn't that big a deal.
  21. Thanks for the heads up! I got: Item # Product Qty Price Each Total Each 557900 Holiday Majolica Red Christmas Tree 3-Section Dish In Stock 1 $14.95 $14.95 524215 Ivory Votive, 1½", Set of 12 In Stock 1 $2.99 $2.99 Order Totals Merchandise Total $17.94 $10 Off Order ($10.00) $5.00 Off Order ($5.00) Order Subtotal $2.94 Shipping Total $6.50 Gift Wrap Total $0.00 Estimated Tax Total $0.19 Order Total $9.63
  22. Great! Thanks for all of the info. Much appreciated.:)
  23. So would this also mean that you could play GH1 and GH2 on the GH3 controller?
  24. Hmmmmm, if that were true then why would they sell the game only? Wouldn't everyone need the new controller to play the game?? Someone please help with the answer.
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