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Everything posted by dilligaf

  1. Yeppers. Have made a couple purchases from them. Everything has been as described and showed up in a timely manner.
  2. Too funny. I still don't know what it is :)
  3. Of course you do. No other way for them to charge you and ship it to you. I have used it several times. The only issue I had with it was with Sports Authority. Google said Sport Authority got it and Sports Authority said they didn't get it. The wife is out one Xmas present because of it. Since I have had no other issues with Google Checkout, I can only blame Sports Authority and add them to the list of 'buy from them no more' :)
  4. Picked mine up at the brick and mortar store when it was on sale before. As a non carpenter and someone who would use it sometimes for stuff at home, it is a great deal :)
  5. For those that missed it, this is in the 12/14 add at this price... http://view.homedepotemail.com/?ffcb10-ff3711717465-fe3210757065037f741070-feff1770746c00&cm_mmc=hd_email-_-WKLY_CIRC_REMINDER_121406_FILE.txt-_-wkly_circ_121406-_-http%3a%2f%2fview.homedepotemail.com%2f%3fex2%3bversion-ff3711717465-ex2%3blistsubid-ex2%3bMemberID
  6. That is funny. I have a bowl and forks for that :)
  7. Hope the item delivers in time to get the rebates in.
  8. Nope, don't have one yet. I know you can start using them at midnight. So, I figured they'd hafta come out today.
  9. The Omaha Steaks link goes to a deal of: 2 (5 oz.) Filet Mignons 2 (6 oz.) Top Sirloins 8 (3 oz.) Gourmet Franks 4 (4 oz.) Boneless Pork Chops 4 (4 oz.) Omaha Steaks Burgers 4 (4 oz.) Boneless Chicken Breasts 4 (5.75 oz.) Stuffed Baked Potatoes for $59.99.
  10. Yeah, no kidding. Nothing there is more popular than the xBox they had last week.
  11. What the hay??? What boys are wearing those???
  12. Got two of them :) They had plenty.
  13. Yes, understand that. Many of them are for today too. Either way, the sale price in question is on the item itself. It lets me put it in the cart. All goes well until final submit on checkout. Gonna run up to the store after this football game is over and see.
  14. All the way through? It all looked good for me until I submitted the CC at checkout. Then came back unavailable.
  15. Tried twice. Get all the way through checkout and an error that the level is unavail online.
  16. If you have digital cable or satellite, you will have the converter box. No digital signal will come in straight to the TV. They will need a tuner. All of the tuners I have seen so far have outputs for both HDTV and TV. Analog TVs will work long after analog signals stop transmitting.
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