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Everything posted by dilligaf

  1. home.woot.com, wine.woot.com, and kids.woot.com too. Sent from my Transformer Prime TF201 using Tapatalk
  2. I got an email today that mine shipped.
  3. Circuit City has a non Nintendo brand three pack of wheels for $15. I think it is normally $20. I got it last week. Not sure if it is an online deal. I got it at B&M.
  4. Where? Link? Something?
  5. Ummm, Wednesday is not June 1st. So, just curious, will it release on Wednesday or Friday?
  6. It came today. Wowzers, it is gorgeous!!! I replaced my 17" Sony Trinitron.
  7. Buy.com reviews were just as good as golf2much. I made the purchase.
  8. Go to the post office and pick up a change of address packet. There should be a 10% off from one of them in there.
  9. I read the reviews and figured that I'd save my $40 for a good game instead of having two crappy ones.
  10. I stand corrected. Although, the used ones don't count as a comparison for me, there are a couple there cheaper than I thought they could be had.
  11. I have heard mixed reviews on Wii Play. But, getting a Wii Remote anyway, I figured this would be the way to get it. May keep the family busy for a couple minutes :)
  12. Oooo, buggy how? :) I am running it in FF and IE. I know most of yesterday, it would stop updating. But, I think I fixed that in the afternoon. Also had a different smaller issue in IE that should be fixed. Please, let me know if there are any issues.
  13. Sorry, mine stopped updating due to the '&' in the item description. Fixed. Just refresh the screen and it'll pick up again.
  14. Mine is at http://woot.DealADayTracker.com The info page there gives a link to a list of trackers if mine doesn't work for you.
  15. Yep yep...fun for all :)
  16. Agreed. None of them keep my butt in my seat like Woot! does.
  17. Don't think they have a set schedule. I believe that it is 4ish times per year. Thank you. I hope it is useful. Built it just because I was tired of opening every site every day. Showed it to a couple friends and they said I should make it avail. I added the rating system so that we can let others know how we feel about the sites. I am staying away from comments because I don't want to have to go through and edit for language and such. So, it is just a 1-5 rating. It does take some time to load, but is really designed to be used once or twice a day. Not a big site to be refreshing. I get up in the morning and open it then go read emails. When I am done, I buzz through the page and see if there is something I need/want. Later in the day, I open it to and fix any of them that have made a change. I also add new sites as I become aware of them. I'll have another one or two up there sometime tonight.
  18. Not only have they not put up anything exciting, but they are repeating their boring items.
  19. $6.99 now. Hey jerseygurl, I didn't forget you. I really am still looking :)
  20. There is also http://dodtracker.com I didn't really like the way any of them did it. So, I built http://DealADayTracker.com currently showing 36 different deal sites. You can use the settings page to pick which sites you see, what order they show in, and hide the rest of them. As with anything, find what works best for you and use it.
  21. Yeah, their site is always like that. It is pretty cool.
  22. Oh, there are over 30 of them that I know of. Them being deal a day sites. Not all of them have a Woot-Off type of setup though. And, this one doesn't need a Woot-Off Tracker because it's site auto updates already.
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