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Posts posted by linda_loo

  1. I commented in another thread like this... I'll 2nd/3rd the suggestions for classroom supplies, antibacterials and gift cards; consumable items that I can use in my classroom this year. I feel bad about all the mugs, frames, scarves and pins (sitting in a box in my basement) that I have received over the years... I can't possibly use them all.


    Just one comment about the mousepads... if they have an optical mouse (like I do), it may not work all that well for them.

  2. Another teacher here, and I will 2nd that comment about home made foods. If I do not know the family well, I do not eat it. I do appreciate the effort and the thought, though.


    Classroom supplies is a really great idea, as are a little gift card; I have always appreciated things that were "consumable"... I have over 100 students and can't possibly use all the mugs and pins and scarves that I have received over the years.

  3. I received most of my order today and I love it all! My first Coldwater Creek purchase! (shamefully, I used to call it a "menopausal" store, thinking I was too young for their styles. Turns out, I am not!!!)


    I loved it all so much that I went back for more and placed another $160 order!


    Thanks for the code/announcement*, this definitely helped me with my professional wardrobe. I lost 100 pounds last year and have had to buy all new stuff.


    * pS - you do not need the code anymore, it's automatic at check-out.

  4. dh is Jewish, I was raised Christian. It's taken us a while to get things down where it works for us.


    They get a small present on each day of Chanukah. Books, socks, art supplies and the kinds of things that we would be buying them anyhow. Maybe a new movie one of those days.


    Christmas day, they get a couple presents and a stocking, items are fruit, a little candy or small things, like their Chanukah presents. Santa gives each child 1 "big" present. By big, I mean $50-75. We'll raise that amount a little over the years (like with inflation), but we have decided that if they want something way bigger, it will have to be a family gift or they will have to save their own money for it.


    They also get a new pair of jammies on Christmas eve.


    So, that's 8 for Chanukah and 4-5 for Christmas.

  5. May & mln51 - I was in the Butler Target on the 26th, toy sale prices were 30-50% off. Yesterday at Pine Creek (the one I usually go to), they were 75% off, and I got some great deals for my kids for next year (Polly Pockets, Barbie car + doll, Travel Lite Bright)... today, I was at the new one in Ross (hmmm, think I go to Target too much?) and their prices were 30-50%. I hate that Target does this. Freaking price it all the same!!!
  6. I missed the date on my snapfish coupon. :(


    So, now I am looking for another good deal. I would LOVE to do a calendar that allows me to change layouts and have more than one picture on a page (snapfish and kodakgallery allow this, for example). I don't think shutterfly will.


    Any recommendations, codes, etc?


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