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Everything posted by comm402

  1. I had one great and one awful in the same week. When we went to pick up the Nintendogs Dalmation version I decided to get a second one, the girl in the games section told me that I could buy the game but the free case was only for people who pre-ordered !! (Thatwasn't what the sale flyer said and to top it off she had 2 full cases of the things sitting right behind the register !!!) I just didn't feel like fighting so I went to our other local TRU and no problems got the game and the case. Now, at the same TRU where I couldn't get the case the manager let me return my daughter's broken Muichiz Paws game after the company told me they would not replace the item under the limited warranty because my daughter dropped it and it broke.The customer service rep. said that constitutes "misuse". I called TRU and spoke w/ the manager who said no problem, just bring in the toy and the receipt, the new one was waiting @ the customer service desk when I got there !! Guess the customer service just depends upon who you are dealing with.
  2. Goodmoring All:tongue1: I am sooo disappointed, where are the "sale" prices ??? Most if the items in the KayBee and EBGames ads can be bought right now at those prices !! Oh well, patiently waiting for Walmart, Target, & Toys R Us.
  3. comm402

    charity gift trees

    I feel the same way about one of our local angel trees and I'm not too keen on our local food bank either. There are people that do need the help but when your parked in the lot next to the food pantry and you see people with hummers and mercedes wearing fancy coats, talking on their cell phones coming out with food it really does jade you. I work for the PD and the guys there were the best source of info for who really needs help at the holidays and those are the people we try to give to.
  4. Thanks for the tips... especially #4. That hot coffee is great @ the moment but you'll pay later ! LOL
  5. I usually give a food gift of some kind, fudge or a small cheesecake.
  6. My DH and I let the kids open 1 gift before bedtime, that is really the only 1 tradition that happens every year no matter what. Otherwise we just play it by ear depending upon what still needs to be done or if we get invited out.
  7. comm402

    charity gift trees

    My family and I always pick from the Barnes and Noble "tree". One book for a boy and one book for a girl. I prefer Barnes and Noble to some of the other "charity" trees for the same reasons that others have posted here.
  8. Overtime, Overtime, Overtime !!
  9. I tend not to give to anyone outside the stores, instead my girls and I go to Barnes and Noble and pick a child to buy a book for.
  10. I love the DVD idea, gotta try that out. Thanks for the info
  11. comm402

    storing christmas wrap

    I use the clear plastic bags that comforters come in to store large bows & gift bags. For wrapping paper I use the clear plastic storage boxes.
  12. Thanks for the link ! I was in toys r us over the weekend and asked if they were taking pre-orders. I was told no, first come, first serve on the release date ! What a zoo that is going to be.
  13. comm402

    50% off toys?

    I would love 50% off toys if my kohl's had a larger selection. They have an entire wall of baby and toddler toys, (fisher price, little tykes, etc.), but nothing that my kids are into like littlest pet shop or bratz. The last time I was in kohl's they had 3 or 4 different bratz and 1 really small endcap of pet shops
  14. I got lucky one year on BF, I went to KB late in the afternoon and all of their DB's were still ringing up at the price they advertised from 5am - 7am !! The manager said they didn't have as many people as they anticipated and needed to get rid of stock. I'll never get that lucky again.
  15. See why their coupons drive me nuts ! Too much fine print !
  16. I am ! I agree, if things keep up like this I'll be sleeping in too.
  17. Their coupons drive me nuts !!! The fine print lists all the things that the coupon cannot be used for and it takes up half the coupon... they would be better off to list the 2 remaining items in the store the coupon can be used for.
  18. no problem juanadeal, happy to help.
  19. Question, is anyone else disappointed at the number of items for Ace's BF ad that require a rebate?
  20. Here is the link, there are multiple catalogs you can order and some of them are even free. Hope this helps http://www3.jcpenney.com/jcp/productlist.aspx?DeptID=875&CatID=23294&CatTyp=DEP&Dep=Catalogs&PCat=23292&CmCatId=MP
  21. I also seem to remember that you could buy the catalog online, I think they offer it during checkout. I'll go check and post back when I find something out.
  22. I'm kind of torn, a midnight opening would be nice on any day except one where I've been up since 5 a.m. cooking. On the other hand, I'm not really a morning person and I do hate having to choose which store to hit first, so... See ! I can't make up my mind.
  23. WOW !! I got the greatest deal tonight !!!! The Telestory Interactive Storybook System for $8.74 marked down from $34.99 !!! I was looking at these in Toys R Us 2 days ago and almost bought one at full price but decided to wait until I had my coupon with me. Talk about luck !
  24. I'm sorry... "the one spot" ?? Is that the section when you first come in and they have all the $1 stuff? It wasn't over there, these are the little 6 or 8 packs in the clear plastic that are found on the front end w/ the batteries, and gum and things of the sort.
  25. I'm sorry, the pony was not out yet but the standee had the pre-order tickets on it and it was full. Maybe the price is a little high for people. I wish that my youngest was still small enough for it, if she was I would be begging my husband too !
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