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Everything posted by niccci

  1. If you go to target.com and type in the search window mix max you will see a picture of one. They are the size of an mp3 player but they play videos. Like High School Musical and Hanna Montana and different things. They cost 99.99 regular and then you buy the different videos to play in them. They also play music clips I think.
  2. Just got back from Target and I checked the disney mix max and they are still $49.99 (reg 99.99) Last year I watched them hoping to get them for 75% 24.99 but they salvaged them at 50% off because they send them back to the manufacturers (I dont know if its just my store or policy) or at least thats what the asst manager told me when I ask him. The sponge bob ones were 50% off and the disney music clips were 50% off too.(7.xx and 10.xx) I ask a mark down clerk if they were going down further today and she said that she had checked them already and they were the same. That not much electronics were discounted further today. I did find the pokemon battle Dome 75% off. It was $12.29 reg $49.99. They had tons of toys marked 30%-50% also. I bet they go down further this week. Pepsi is on sale $2.75 a 12 pack and there is a 1.00 off 2 packs on the target website. I handed 2 to the clerk and she took off a dollar from each 12 pack. I didnt realize it was 1.00 off 2 12 packs until I looked at it when I was printing off more. Really good deal!!
  3. thanks for all the info from the pms I got. I love this forum... its almost like a soriety... love those sales and have really found more since you all are willing to share. They had marked down some furniture and even a darling Shabby Chic vanity 30% off so start watching those. There were end tables and entry tables and some individual wood chairs too.
  4. OK all you "stashers" attention: I have tried several different places to "stash" stuff but it always get found. What is the best area to hide stuff? I have tried in drawers of furniture;behind towels and even behind the large boxes like golf clubs and it never stays hidden. Any suggestions?????????????/:D:D
  5. Yes I am positive it was 90% just not sure of what month. Maybe it was just our store because it was fairly new and there was a lot left.. shrug! edited: Just checked on another forum and they said that they happened to walk into Target and all of the 4th of july stuff in their dollar spot was 90%. They said wasnt much left but it was 90% and it was dated july 11th!
  6. Our Dollar Spot went 90% off last year when it was getting ready for school stuff.
  7. Well I took back some picture frames that I bought for 50% off because I found them for 75% off and they took them without a problem. Infact the little ticket that prints out to tell them what to make the new sticker for said 1.25 instead of 2.50 and I said "I paid 2.50 for those" and she smiled and said yes I know, they are 1.25 now. So maybe its different in some targets but its worth the try anyways. Good luck
  8. The baby stuff was in with the easter aisle There were one piece and 2 pc sets.. onsie and long footed pants. It says My first easter but they were adorable.
  9. There were 2 different type of tees.. one was 99c and the other was 1.25. The capris were 1.24 I think. They had baby outfits too but didnt look at those prices. The tees and the capris were spring colors but didnt look "Eastery" at all. Good luck!!!
  10. Our store was 75% off. Got 2 Soccer girl easter baskets. It had a soccer ball,water bottle,jump rope,air pump and a little candy for $3.74. Oreos were $.64; the round serving tray;plastic ponyville easter eggs with ponies in them; lps 4 figures;toddler tees and capris;baby 2 piece onesie and pants and pokieman cards.
  11. thanks for the information... I have a ton of stuff I would love to get rid of but was rather intimidated by ebay. Maybe I will try. (I just pm'd you)
  12. wow 107 items you listed? I have a question... you have to start the listing at 99c to get the 1c listing fee right? so does that mean that even if its a high dollar item that you know should sell for at least 30-40 and only one person bids on it for 99c they get it?
  13. If it is in the fridge and not opened I would think it should still be fine. Open one and see how it tastes... experiment on yourself !!!! :D:D
  14. The capris were hanging up with the easter baby clothes in the easter section (not in the regular clothes area) They had sizes up to 5T. Light weight cotton perfect for spring. Good luck hope you find them. If they go 75% and you want me to pick up 2 for you just pm me and give me the size and I can ship them to you.
  15. There were about 6 different colored short sleeve shirts with different designs on them... butterlfies, kitten,flowers. There were also 2 different cotton capris..one with stripes and one with flowers. There were skorts in 3 different patterns. Most of the shirts didnt even look like easter other then they were pastel colors.
  16. Just got back from target.. found a Disney Princess Story Reader limited collecto's edition with the reader ,cinderella storbook and cartridge for 9.99. Also found some small Shreik figurines in a 6 pk for $1.75. No mms today but I have a ton stocked up so no big deal. They had the baby alives sip and sleep for $10.49 and with the toys I bought I got to use the $5.00 off so it was a great deal. Unless there is a last minute rush for the easter stuff there is gonna be TONS left for Monday.
  17. They were marked $1.25? Thats great!! thats like 95% off hahahahah They are regularly 32.99
  18. our space heaters sold out at 50% off. I found one for 75% off but I think it was a return.
  19. Ours didnt go 50% off today. They had some cute Little Pet shop sets for 50% off. Would be adorable for easter because of the pastel colors. The Rug squares were still 30%. The scrapebooking was finally 75% off. And the toddler easter looking dresses were 30% off.Thats about it
  20. Most of ours is still 50%. A few things are 75%. I think it will go down again this week. Hope you are feeling better now!!!
  21. I just got back from Target and looked at the name of the playdoh set. Its called PlayDoh display kit. I think it is a great deal for 9.98 if you like playdoh. Personally,unless you put them on a throw away tablecloth I dont think the kit is worth the mess... I am all for the color wonders :) :)
  22. our store had a lot of bath and bedroom stuff marked down 75% last week. The ebony and Ivory shower curtains and towels and black rugs and black and white towels etc. If yours hasnt had that mark down yet you might keep looking for it. They marked it down when the Mizrahi stuff was marked down.
  23. well I only said wallies cause I didnt know what to call them,I didnt want to say just stickers ... sorry
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