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Everything posted by niccci

  1. My store marked them down to 30% 2 weeks ago so I would think maybe this thursday it will be at 50%. They only marked down the one pattern tho.. the other 2 patterns are still full price. (the patterns with the orange and pink butterflies I think it was)
  2. I ordered 2 and the shipping was $7.98 but I read the previous post... joined staples and its free shipping. No contract and no CC to order... pretty cool. Thanks OP for the hint!!!! These will be great for presents!!!
  3. Not sure there IS a rhyme or reason :D but I do know they start marking down toys when they are being discontinued due to packaging changes or upgraded toys. I know there is a big clearance on toys so they can get ready for Christmas stuff. It seems there is a toy clearance in July or early Aug to get ready for school stuff.
  4. Our target was marking down the toddler clothes to 50-75% off. Got 3 really cute skirts for 1.98, the big girl looking tops for 2.48; found an Eddie Bauer All weather stroller fleet blanket for 11.58 reg 48.99; the radios were marked down to 75% off.. the cordless phones are still 50%. Toys still 50%.
  5. Our at still at 30% and have been for 2 weeks so I am hoping they will go down further tomorrow.
  6. Ours went to 50% and then 75% but they never changed the sign to 50% so if you didnt look at the tag you would have thought they were still 30% off.
  7. The batman,hello kitty,transformer towels set and hooded towels are finally 75% off today. The packs of Art-a-Peel decals are also 75% off (4.24) They had animals, polkadots, soccer balls and the dream theme (4 different words with butterflies and dragonflies) Also got the little blue camouflage lamp for $2.48. They only had blue left at our store but I know they came in pink and plain black too. Saw lots of frozen fish packages 50% off.
  8. I bought the fusion and tried to play the max clip (pirates of the carribean) and it plays it but the picture is really small.. it doesnt display on the entire screen. Does yours use the whole screen?
  9. I dont know when it is marked down but last year I know there was stuff left for the 75% mark down. It seems it was marked down pretty late in the summer if I remember correctly. Like maybe july or aug but I am not sure.
  10. If you decide to get that program let us know how it works on the fusion!!!
  11. I think its the fision audio player that is 9.98. The fusion video player is 19.98 I think. At least at our store.. if you found one for 9.98 fusion.. that is ONE GREAT DEAL
  12. Couldnt wait to get back and let you all know ... THE FUSIONS AND FISIONS ARE 75% OFF!!! They also had a ton of electronics, TVs, radios, cd players,headphones, Camcorder disks all 75% off. Printers were 75% off too. Have fun and happy shopping!!!!
  13. Wow you got the VTECH Dora globe for $4.98???????/ thats a great deal. They are regularly $39.99 I think
  14. some of the toys were marked down today to 75% off at our Super Target but not all of them. The Aquadoodles are still 50%. I would think the bikes would be sporting goods but dont "hate me" if I am wrong :cheesy:
  15. Our target had their THE LITTLE EXPERIENCE kits 75% off. Regularly $14.99 for $3.98. These are great for 7-10 yr olds. they can create all kinds of things. Knitting,stitching etc. They also had those little wooden animals and the Lil Sprout furniture kits 75% off. Found an MM for the first time in a long time. Punch.. .which I hardly find. So good day today!
  16. For those of you that has the Fusion and said that the Disney Mix Max clips work in them.... is the picture the same size as the fusion picture. When I tried to play the Pirates of the Carribbean (disney mix max) in the fusion.. it plays but the picture is smaller than it should be. has anyone else bought these at Target and had that trouble"?
  17. SpongeBob movie was 50% off. 9.98 reg 19.99
  18. Target has some adorable little boy outfits from 3month-18months marked down 30%-75% off. Some winnie the pooh and some circo. They also have the 2 pack jammies for little ones 30% off. Also Kohls is having a 60-90% off try there. Target usually has at least one rack of mark downs in babys at all times.
  19. Ours are still 50% off too and I am thinking the same thing.. they salvaged them at 50% last year
  20. Last year they were salvaged at 50%. I had been watching and waiting for them to hit 75% and when they disappeared I asked a sales associate and she said they were salvaged at 50% and sent back to the manufacturer. Who knows what they will do this year As for the MMs.. they are 2 rows of 5 boxes instead of 3 rows. It is usually only the grape,apple and punch and as stated before.. it does NOT have the 15 number on the front.
  21. Well I think there is some truth to it...but only because 2 weeks ago I was in the "shabby chic bedding" aisle looking at some curtains. The associates and a manager were talking at the end of the aisle by the stockroom.. I personally heard the manager say to them "throw those backstock shabby chic "something" (couldnt understand what) out today. They have been back there in that hard to get to place too long and has been salvaged for months.". I SOOOOO wanted to say something because one of my bedrooms is done in the Ashwell shabby chic but I know I wasnt suppose to hear it. Dont know what the pieces were or why they wouldnt at least donate it...but that is exactly what he said. I think about it now everytime I see someone in that aisle. I dont know if they destroy them or crush them but apparently they DO throw them away. With all that said,now I am wondering if there is a chance to talk to a manager after things have been on sale for so long to see if they would reduce it further. (My mind is always looking for 90% stuff hahahahaha)
  22. I know which one you are talking about.. infact I put one in my basket but couldnt think of one person that could use it so I put it back. Its really cute.. hot pink and "blingy". As far as I could tell it works just like any mp3 player and you should be able to download music like any of the other ones. And 12.xx is a great price for an mp3 player for an 8yr old.
  23. Our store had it boxed up and out of there before the store opened. I got there at 8:10am and the shelves were already full of cereal and kitchen stuff.
  24. We still have 2 boxes at our Target store in Norman Ok but it would cost you 35-40 to shipp them since they are so heavy.
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