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Posts posted by sgigi

  1. Thanks Shanni! I just placed an order for some nice stocking stuffers. The hand boiler (4.46), the radiometer, the X-zylo Light (2.95), the fiber optic light wand (3.00), and the gyroscope (5.95) will wonderful for my science-minded sons (8 & 10). I got the garden and the birds, too. Wow, that's the third deal I've got from you this week Shanni! Hope to return the favor some day. :cheesy:
  2. When I taught preschool, my favorite gift was a handwritten recipe card with a favorite family recipe on it. It was with a mini muffin pan and a bag of small peanut butter cups that went in the recipe. It was great. I still use that recipe and pan after 15 years. How about a pasta recipe, box of noodles, and a strainer? New cookie sheet with a bag of chocolate chips and recipe?


    Movie gift cards were nice also.


    Ornaments are nice, I have two trees filled with these after 10 years. Coffee or Hot cocoa without the mug is nice. I have a cupboard full of mugs. I don't teach anymore and now try to make sure I give different gifts. Class supplies were always nuber one. Nice pads of paper to write notes home, another favorite.

  3. The little boy behind us got one for his birthday and my son and him love it. You can see the hairs on the dog. His mom said she uses it to look for bugs on the dog. Its very much like a microscope without fighting over the eye piece to see the image. It's also great to view bugs up close and yes its gross looking. I am looking for a good price too!:yup:
  4. I found the best book last Christmas. My DS reads it over and over. It is Cool Stuff and How It Works, by Chris Woodford, James Flint, Ben Morgan, Clint Witchalls, and Luke Collins. I got it at Barnes and Noble.com for $24.99 (hardcover). It tells how mp3 players work, microwaves, TVs, planes, hurricanes, etc... It has great pictures of the inside of things.


    Also, nobody has mentioned my favorite website that I learned about here: bookcloseouts.com. I love this site. If you know what you are looking for its great. I have found many wonderful books for $1.99 or $2.99 each. Becareful not to be tricked into junk books! I always look up the books at Barnes and Noble.com and/or Amazon.com for reviews. Good luck!

  5. My 8 year old son loves his N.E.C.T. that I gave him. The son I bought the second one for is ten (11 in Jan.). He is dying to get one. He is big into bugs, but it is pretty cool. It shoots foam darts out of its shell and the movements are different than most RC toys. We have had no problems with the one we have and all the neighbor kids fight over it. It will be fun to have two to battle with. Even my husband likes it. Too bad the dog doesn't. It really is a good deal and a unique toy.
  6. Thanks for the deal! I also found the Tyco R/C N.S.E.C.T. Robotic Attack Creature - 49MHZ - Blue for $29.99 on Amazon.com. I bought one last year when they were $39.99 on sale and gave it to my DS. He loves that thing! The whole family enjoys it. I am picking up another one for my other son so they can play with them together. Both are good deals where they are usually priced between $60 - $99.
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