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Posts posted by sgigi

  1. thanks Kim! He is not into Naruto or Dragonball Z anymore. He loves the sports games but we already have Bigs 2 and Madden 10 for Wii. We also have all the Lego games for Wii too, except for the new Indiana Jones one. I'll probably get that in Xbox, but am at a loss for other ideas. I was looking at the Banjo game. He likes racing, sports, and adventure games. Anyone else have any suggestions or have the Banjo game?
  2. My sons have decided that they both want a an Xbox 360 for Christmas. My DS12 wants it to play Halo, Call of Duty, and other games. The problem is my DS10! When I'm looking at the games, there are not many (that I have seen) that he can play with his friends or that I would really feel comfortable with him playing. We have a Wii and he has most of the sports games for this system. Does anyone have any game suggestions that would be appropriate for a ten year old boy and his friends. I don't want to get a joint gift if he really can't use it. Help!
  3. Oh, thanks! I hope this is true! I questioned this because if they needed the Rock Band instruments I figured they would have bundles. I can't find any bundles that include Lego Rock Band. My DS10 loves lego games and said he wanted this. I didn't want to buy if we couldn't use it. I'll see if we can maybe rent it first to make sure. Thanks to all the responses. Keep them coming if you have any other information!
  4. Does anyone know if you have to have the orignal Rock Band instruments to play the Lego Rock Band? I don't see it listed anywhere as a requirement but I would think you would. It looks fun and love the song list. Stupid me bought guitar hero world tour for my kids last easter. I should have got the rock band. Thanks
  5. One annual present that I do for my sons is getting them a book that has a character with their same name. I started when they were little with picture books and have continued as they have grown to chapter books. I have a friend that does the same thing for her girls. It all depends on whether your chld's name is common enough to find books with their names. I'm lucky that Jack and Sam are used as character names a lot. My boys treasure their name collection and I hope they will read them to their children. They also feel really special when they are the main character of the story.
  6. One year my DS wanted a rubber chicken for Christmas! Now I try to get him a rubber chicken or some chicken item each year. He cracks me up. He looks forward to his chicken gift each holiday. The funniest thing was when his class asked him if he collected anything during his "Special Person of the Week" and he told them all rubber chickens. His teacher had to email me because she never laughed so hard.
  7. I collect Christmas themed bobbleheads for my husband. We have the whole Rudolph crew, the Peanuts Christmas set, and both the snow & heat mizers. I'm working on the Christmas Story ones next.


    I collect Disney themed decorations and ornaments for myself. I also buy a christmas ornament for my boys each year that represents something they are into or like. It's fun to decorate the tree and hang the Blue's Clues, arthur, Spiderman, and Toy Story ornaments. Brings back so many memories of the boys. I even have one for every year since I was thirteen. It's funny to see my garfield ornaments next to the boys garfield ones.

  8. My boys love them! They got them for Christmas and have traded them. They also have put them on their walls in their rooms. It allows them to have more players without the giant cost of the real fatheads. Everyone of their friends think they are the coolest thing when they come over.


    Thanks to the OP! I picked up four packs for Easter baskets when they were still $12.99!

  9. Well at Easter this past year, I found the bottle of hot sauce for my DH that I had lost for two years. Now if I can only find the boxes of Hot Tamalas and Good n Plenty that I wrapped for his stocking this year before they go stale! I just found the second copy of the 'Underdog' DVD that I guess I bought for my son's birthday in September. I always manage to lose or misplace something each holiday. My DH yells at me all the time. I can now say I'm not the only one. :D
  10. My most questionable gift was from my great aunt when I was 15. She got me a black sweatshirt from K-mart with a rooster on the front! I just about died. After that year she just got us packages of socks for Christmas. Ya gotta love her.


    My husband's aunt one year got a toliet seat from her sister. Yes, a real one. This is even more funny if you knew his aunt. She lives in a beautiful house, wears designer clothes, and has everything top of the line. She also is very prim and proper and never talks about bodily functions. She was mordified by the gift. Everyone on our side of the family still giggles over the gift, but never mentions it in front of her.

  11. I have been trying to figure out what to get my husband for Christmas. He has mentioned that he wanted a PSP (to play games and the internet). He also said that he wanted a camera. I was looking at GPS systems also.


    I'm not sure I want to spend $200-175 for a PSP. If I got this he would only get this. I was looking at the Madden bundle as he would love this game. The Racket and Clank bundle though has the new improvements, but not a game he would like. I think he would enjoy this to check the internet or play games while sitting at basketball/baseball/karate practices or sitting in traffic.


    A GPS system is going to cost around $150. He doesn't travel all that much, but does go on sales calls sometimes. Not sure he would get much use out of it.


    The camera would be cheaper, but we have a new camera that he bought me last christmas. He also is not one to take many pictures. I think this may not be used much, but I could get him a few other fun things.


    My last opinion is just getting some fun things and a Wii war type game with gun controller. I have bought other games for him in the past, but he plays them for a little while and then they collect dust.


    What would be your opinion of the best use of the money? I'm struggling to stay on a budget and look for deals. I need a third party's opinion. Help!!! What would you buy and why? TIA

  12. I have one of these and LOVE IT! You can get the tape at Target for around $13 and at Amazon for the same. Just don't buy it at OfficeMax, I couldn't find it at first and paid $18.99 for one. I needed it to organize my DS's school stuff and couldn't wait to keep looking. I love it though and everyone laughs at my kid's toy closet because it is all rubbermaid containers with little white labels. My basement storage is labeled as well as my craft closet. My pantry is next!
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