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Posts posted by Trish1298

  1. A great one I pulled on my dh was a fake lottery ticket. I bought a lot of them on ebay that had about 40 cards and I rifled through them and found one that looked like something dh would play and tucked it in my purse.


    I went to the store to get some deli sandwiches and bought a few scratch off tix and came home and handed them out. Dh scratched his and started to throw it away then he looked again and just said real quiet omg.... I was like what? trying my best to keep a straight face he said omg... I think I just won something... I looked and said omg let me see it he was all shaking and said I will have to take off work tomorrow so we can drive to Nashville... he proceeded to turn the card over and read the redemption instructions. You could just see his heart sink. I felt so bad, laughing at the same time he said that was so not funny and almost cried. He got up and went outside ;)





    Oh, poor guy. I think I would feel to bad to pull that one off. Very funny though. I would like to do that to someone I didn't like.

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