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Posts posted by Trish1298

  1. I speak to my children before before even going to someones house that they will redieve gifts from. "Even if the gift is not something you like, that is not the point. They spent the time to think of you and shop just for you. So be excited, smile and say thank you." My kids are pretty good. Occasionally I'll have to shoot my 4 year old a death look, and talk to him later about it. If they say something bad about what I get them, then I take it, and explain to them that there are kids that their parents can't afford any presents, So be happy with what you have. I'll give it back later.
  2. I think I am driving my kids crazy asking them. Even though my son has a list of over 100 items, I am still asking what he wants. I figure the things that he really want will come up more often. But they both have birthdays between now and Christmas also. So I need all the ideas I can get.
  3. My son will get one when he starts spending more time away from us. Going and doing things with out his parents. I want him to be able to be able to get a hold of me when ever he needs to. He's 7 now. He'll get one younger than his little brother because he is very responsible.
  4. I need to know how to keep my 10 month old yellow lab puppy from chewing up my decorations? He loves to chew things.

    I think you may get more replies if you put this some where besides the 12 days of Christmas post.

  5. me too! my daughter had it circled in the TRU book and I talked her out of it thank god!!

    she's 7 and it was easy all i had to say was your getting to old for babies , aren't you a big girl and she agreed and said she did not want it!:bow:

    I am going to keep my daughter playingwith dolls as long as I can. I don't want her growing up too fast.

  6. Supposively they are suppose to open at 10 or 11 PM and run until 1 hour beore BF and then close for a mandatory meeting and reopen again for the morning crowd. It's going to be a whole seperate sale though, none of the items posted right now are up for grabs that night. I don't know how they are going to do this, but I got this from a wal mart employee.

    I don't think they could get people out of the store close up, have a meeting and be ready for the big sale within 1 hour.

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