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Posts posted by andyw06

  1. yup, i was able to order the two flash drives, but couldnt get the SD card or the blank DVDs. thats ok i can head in early and get those two items, i did some recon on Wed and they seems to be well stocked with an entire bin of the SD cards and about 50 units of each typr of DVD.
  2. Target has a slightly larger one a 7' frame, for $68. its in the BF sales ad. I am going to get one of these for my brother and mother (oh lord I Hope i can explain to her how it works in less then two hours), I am torn if i want the CC one or the one from target.
  3. So last year (my first bf) I wanted the lap top at wal-mart. I got there early thought I had spotted them but of course when they pulled the tarp off it was cabbage patch dolls. By the time I made way through the people to the other side of the store I heard an employee say "we sold out of the laptops in under 3 minutes they were in the frozen food section. How in the world did the other bf shoppers know to look there? Whats the secret??

    Last year I got lucky, and found the laptops, there was no map just blind luck. They were actually next to the jewelery counter not near the electronics area.

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