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Everything posted by BEE4

  1. See if this one will work...MVC1563, but I think you have to use Khol's card.
  2. On another site I found 25% Family & Friends coupon FFOCT07 valid for online purchases valid through 10/28/2007. Will that help? I did not mention that it is for LnT...sorry.
  3. Just got via e-mail. You can use it at the store on on-line. http://f.chtah.com/i/34/528207786/20070423Print.htm
  4. Her is coupon code NMSM37 to save $10 off purchases of $30 or more, or code CLUBEA47 for 20% off purchases of $50 or more. I am not so sure about the expiration date. Worked for me on 4/11/2007.
  5. Try this one http://e.staples-deals.com/content.asp?wci=version&wnd=0&status_id=4624512978_79578293
  6. Thank you
  7. My mom (she has red card) got Target coupon book and there was a coupon for $ 10 gift card with transferred prescription.
  8. My co-workers called them about applying a regular paper coupons on line and they told her that if you make a purchase on line and when you get your recepit, print it and take it to the store with coupons they will credit your purchase. I know that she bought some of that Thomas stuff on line but don't know if it worked since I have not talked to her since thursday and was not able to ask her if she has done it. I will update after I talk to her.
  9. Actually, I sent them an e-mail about my recent order and they are giving me back $9.90 for the 10% additional discount.
  10. Would they do a price adjustment? I placed an order with 40% code last sunday and I got it yesterday. Got my credit.
  11. Thank you...ordered few items for my little nephiew
  12. I just got a mens Nautica robe including slippers @ Marshalls for 39.99, where BBB had them for about $ 60 no slippers.
  13. No, you are not. My dogs actually get a package from Dr. Fosters and Smith full of goodies that is adressed to them. I know it is silly but they love it, they are all over that package when I bring it home.
  14. Here is the link to the tree. Hope it works. http://www4.jcpenney.com/jcp/Products.aspx?DeptID=2652&CatID=11451&CatTyp=LFS&ItemTyp=G&GrpTyp=PRD&ItemID=0fd72f6&ProdSeq=37&Cat=wednesday+deals&Dep=online+outlet&PCat=&PCatID=2652&RefPage=ProductList&Sale=&ProdCount=43&RecPtr=&ShowMenu=&TTYP=&ShopBy=0&RefPageName=Default.aspx&RefCatID=0&RefDeptID=0&Page=99&CmCatId=2652|11451
  15. I have ordered it on the 12/4 and got it on the 8th as well. Shipped free. It is so cute.
  16. Got mine today. I think that Tifany & Co. is listed in participating merchants...will try to use it there for a christmas present for myself. Kind of dissapointed that it expires 12/31/06.
  17. Thank you...looks like will be fun for the kids
  18. You should read the whole " Perimeter Perusing at Target " thread, that is how I found mine. http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?p=560440&highlight=telestory#post560440
  19. Is it the number below the barcode? If yes, I would have to post it later for you when I get home from work.
  20. It was a system with one book in package. I also got one separate book for 6 bucks as well.
  21. At least they used to, that is where i got mine.
  22. Target had these for $6.42 on sale
  23. Try this tread http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=55551&highlight=bbw
  24. I actuall got it while TRU had the deal or no deal game and used $5 off $25 coupon. Came out with taxes at about $32.00. Haven seen any better deals, sorry.
  25. I have the same problem too, I was thinking to get him a robe, but my mom will buy him a pair of jeans and a sweater and I just give her the money. She said that is what he can use.
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