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Posts posted by Timswife81404

  1. In 2008 one of my Wal-Mart's actually did go 90% on January 23rd. Last year however they either did the buggy thing mentioned above or stashed it somewhere, because I was in there one day and then when I went back the next day it had all vanished except for a few things that hung around on an endcap in crafts until this summer when they remodeled. Our Halloween went 90% last year but didn't this year, so I don't really expect Christmas to go 90% at my store.
  2. I visited 2 Walmarts yesterday. I picked up several stocking stuffers and stuff for class goody bags for next year. There were a lot of boxed ornaments left, but I didn't see any big items like trees, very few lights, and almost no wrapping paper.


    Of course, this being Walmart, several of the items I wanted to purchase weren't marked down in the system. They do this every holiday - every time I have tried to buy a cartload of holiday merchandise there have been items that weren't ringing correctly. Yesterday the Dora watch in a candy cane package ($5), Christmas 12 -count activity books ($2), Christmas yo-yo ($1), and Disney Lip gloss sets ($5) all rang up full price. The cashier didn't want to change any of it, but was told to override. Lucky for me the woman in charge of holiday clearance was working the next register and told her they should be marked down. They all had holiday packaging except the lip gloss - of which there were several boxes full right above a 75% off sign.


    The watches rang up full price at my store too, and they were stickered at $2.50. Of course since they were stickered they would only give them to me for $2.50 so I told them to keep them.

  3. 75% here in Springfield, PA

    Do you know what day it went 75%? Ours went on the 31st. I'm thinking it'll probably go tomorrow, which is great for me, but because I'm thinking that and because it works out for me I figure it'll go today. LOL.




    Decided to call and they said it's still 75. The girls sounded pretty sure of herself and I called a store a little further off that's usually pretty reliable, so here's hoping that I don't miss it!!!

  4. Thanks everyone for the responses about toys. Next question, what's the chance of them going to 75% off before Friday? I'm trying to decide if I will go to target or toysrus, as my youngests bday is Friday and I'm short on time. Tia


    Here are the dates for my store (Decatur, AL). It's usually a Thursday toy markdown store.


    Toys 08

    Jan. 10th, 2008 = 75%

    Toys 09

    Jan. 15th, 2009 = 75% on MOST toys some still 30-50%

    Jan. 29th, 2009 = 75% on remaining toys

    Toys 10

    Jan. 15th, 2010 = 75% (Friday)

  5. Their prices were still too high for me at 80%. I bought a tree topper and each of the kids got a little something. In total I spent $4 and change. I wanted a tree skirt but I didn't want to pay $12 for one since I already got one at Wal-Mart for $5. They still had aisles and aisles of stuff left though, so hopefully I can catch some stuff at 90%.
  6. I don't think that is the case with this employee. He didn't say that it wouldn't go 90%, just that they were supposed to remove it on Sunday. He is an overnight employee though, so it is possible that that could just mean that it will go 90% on Sunday and then the overnight team will remove it. This is what he said on my DH's FB status, "perdy sure were 75% off on christmas stuff at target.. we take it out sunday.. so hurry! lol" I asked him if he knew if it would go 90%, but he hasn't replied yet.


    He replied....said that they are just resetting the seasonal section Sunday night and Monday night and that he doesn't really know what will happen to the Christmas stuff other than it is for sure going to be moved.

  7. Did anyone get the Disney plush with the matching fleece throw for $2.50? The sign still says $5.00 but the seasonal manager told me they were 75% off too. I got Disney Princess, Disney Fairy and one Toy Story all for gifts for next Christmas.


    They are still full price at my stores. :( DD wanted the Tinkerbell one.

  8. When they said they would be removing it tomorrow that could have meant that it would go to 90% off and everything that doesn't sell they will salvage. Because usually 90% off doesn't last more than a day or two tops (and usually it's cleared out in a couple of hours).


    I do not put any stock in employees mentioning that they wouldn't be marking it to 90% off. First of all, most employees have no idea how it works and are just guessing. The ones that DO know could easily be throwing people off on purpose. Because they want the good deals, too, and if the store is packed with people when they mark it down, it will all be gone before they can take their breaks. I have seen enough employees filling carts with clearance items under the guise of "moving" them to know that they look forward to it, too. (And I also think that sometimes they don't change the signage on purpose so they can get what they want before the average customer realizes it's marked down). Apparently I am a conspiracy theorist when it comes to Target employees and clearance deals. But it's for good reason!


    I don't think that is the case with this employee. He didn't say that it wouldn't go 90%, just that they were supposed to remove it on Sunday. He is an overnight employee though, so it is possible that that could just mean that it will go 90% on Sunday and then the overnight team will remove it. This is what he said on my DH's FB status, "perdy sure were 75% off on christmas stuff at target.. we take it out sunday.. so hurry! lol" I asked him if he knew if it would go 90%, but he hasn't replied yet.

  9. Got great deals. The hefty plates with trees and seran wrap and holiday kleenex were not scanning at75 off but manager changed it for me. They still had that stuff as winter not christmas even though it has prsents ornaments and trees on them

    My store wouldn't change them for me even though it was in lawn and garden mixed in with all the Christmas stuff. They said that they would give it to me for 50% off since they hadn't changed their signs yet and the signs still said 50%, because "that's what the sign says". My sis said when she went back it was all still there and the signs said 75% off, but I didn't feel like going back. Also, NONE of the Christmas party favors were ringing right at either store and at the first one the CSM didn't want the cashier to mark them down for me!! She kept saying, "It is what it rings", but luckily I knew the cashier and she ignored her. LOL. The same CSM refused to mark down a tree for my friend that was still ringing full price!!! UGH!

  10. Any guesses if it will go 75% tomorrow, I am thinking it will be Thursday... FYI Walmart was still 50% tonight when I went. As fast as they went at Halloween, I was very surprised to see them at 50% still. :(

    I'm thinking Thursday going by the last 2 years.


    For Wal-Mart they always go the Friday following the holiday. The clearance tags at our Wal-Mart say "Prices valid 12-26 through 12-30. Last year they said "Prices valid 12-26 through 12-31" and sure enough I got there at 6 am on the 1st and it was 75% off. I was told about the Friday thing a couple years ago by an employee, and it has rang true for both of the stores near me unless the holiday is on like a Wednesday.

  11. Was at my Target around noon and they were pulling more of the red boxed gift items out of the back and putting them out. All I bought was 2 chocolate bars, a box of candy canes that the kids just HAD to have, and the last sky ball I could find. Holding out of for 75%, hoping it goes on Thursday.



    Christmas 07

    Dec. 26th, 2007 = 50%

    Monday, Dec. 31st, 2007 = 75%

    Friday, Jan. 4th, 2007 = 90%

    Christmas 08

    Dec. 26th, 2008 = 50%

    Tuesday, Dec. 30th, 2008 = 75%

    Tuesday, Jan. 6th, 2009 = 90%

    Jan. 2nd, 2009 = 75% Dollar Spot Christmas (black dot)

    Christmas 09

    Dec. 26th, 2009 = 50%

    Thursday, Dec. 31st, 2009 = 75% (black dollar spot too)

    Tuesday, Jan. 5th, 2010 = 90%

  12. Last year our Lowe's was 75% off on the 21st, but they too are only 40% off as of yesterday. Do they usually jump from 40 to 75, or do you think it'll go 75 later this year? Last year was our first time to shop Lowe's Christmas clearance because we've always waited until after Christmas and missed it. Does Home Depot usually mark down early too?
  13. My Walmart did not have the Western Digital external 500gb hard drive for $39.99. I waited around for over an hour wile they continued to look for it.

    My Wal-Mart only had 10 of these. The guy walked with the little box of them and shouted "Who needs a hard drive". Luckily we got the 1 that we needed.




    The only thing that I know of that our Wal-Mart didn't get were boys PJ's. We searched and searched for those and never could find them, and no one could tell us where they were. They had TONS of toddler PJs left today and some girls too, but there were no boys PJs to be found at either of the WM's near me. The girls PJs were kind of odd too. They were all in boxes like WM used to use for layaway and they just stacked them over by toys? The toddler PJs were all on a red cardboard display thing on a pallet and sorted by size and theme. Both the two piece and blanket sleepers were done this way, but the girls were just thrown in the boxes and you had to dig. We also didn't find many of the flash drives, but we did find the 2 that we needed. We asked multiple employees and they kept sending us back and forth between grocery and electronics. We ended up finding the 2 that we got randomly laying on top of one of the DVD displays.

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