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Everything posted by racerfan

  1. I am trying Target this Sunday...
  2. UPS showed up at my house last night at 10:21pm. We were all in bed, some asleep. They gave a window of 3:15pm to 7pm Of course that is ok They come when they want to. Heaven forbid I am not home, they won't leave the package. I try my best not to use them. I use my PO Box for items now.
  3. Yes I did it with Visa check out. I think it worked, I never get a confirmation email but did get a confirmation #
  4. Oh yes they will be everywhere. My Gamestop and Walmart have not received any more since the first day and they only had 5 and 10 respectively. I call every day.
  5. My OE was shipped and delivered My SS is shipped and on the way with part of it. Rest will arrive next week.
  6. Urban Outfitters online was a joke yesterday. My Gamestop has been saying they do not have any at all and don't think they will get any.
  7. I got the Series 2 from Kohls in BF. Got it there because of the Kohls Cash. There were none with gift cards. Target had the 15% a week or so ago. The one on Amazon was a refurbished. I thought I did great with Kohls Cash, used it to buy other gifts. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using GottaDeal mobile app
  8. Its a Nintendo problem, They never have enough of a supply when they have a release. I pre ordered my Wii so we picked up on day of release.
  9. At least on release XBox one was available on Black Friday. I know because I purchased one for my Son, then on Black Friday I got to Walmart early and purchased another one and returned the original . I had the option for the PS4 also, I could have gotten both if I wanted. I know my Walmart had over a hundred of each. I was first on Thanksgiving day. Even after Black Friday, we saw Xbox One and PS4 units once afterward. Nintendo does not have the supply for the holiday season. What they have had out, is nothing compared to what at least Xbox One had on release.
  10. Well Urban Outfitters was a bust. They sold out in 5 seconds. I doubt I will get one for Xmas. Good thing it's for me I am over am hour from the,closest stores. I do have a Gamestop and a Walmart and both say they doubt they will see any before the new year. We are in the woods. Lol If anyone hears of it available again please let me know. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using GottaDeal mobile app
  11. I read online that Gamestops are starting to get some in. I will be calling several times a day.
  12. I wish I could have gone. Not happy at all Congrats to you
  13. Where is that? I decided will wait for the NES to be available regularly since it's for me. TRU is over an hour from me. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using GottaDeal mobile app
  14. I hope mine won't be like that. I want the Nintendo NES... Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using GottaDeal mobile app
  15. I cannot stand UPS!! Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using GottaDeal mobile app
  16. Thank you. I guess I have one drive over an hour to the closest Toys R US. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using GottaDeal mobile app
  17. How do you know when it may be in a brick n mortar store? I am already on brickseek.com but they forget to text me. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using GottaDeal mobile app
  18. Gift cards to food places, movie theater gift cards, any favorites sports team? Tickets to a game, tickets to an amusement park for the future if closed now? Shopping trip for clothes?, Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using GottaDeal mobile app
  19. Darn it I want one Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using GottaDeal mobile app
  20. What is a tvfool.com report? How do I get it? Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using GottaDeal mobile app
  21. OK new to this. I live in the boonies aka woods. Lots and lots of trees. Would this work? We have a colonial prety much 3 story if you count the basement with a walk out. Thanks
  22. Yes it was last night I tried it. Went to bed afterward Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using GottaDeal mobile app
  23. Could not find it. I did the ASIN # also and it still comes up $17.99
  24. I have received my ornament. Will post pictures now I am back home Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using GottaDeal mobile app
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