I have been a teacher for many years and I basically get nothing each year from the students. Sometimes I get alittle something from the Dollar Tree. However, some years I have recieived a gift made by the child at home, something simple like a car made from construction paper. The gifts made by the children are some of the most meaningful gifts. However, it is expected each Halloween, Christms, Valentines and Easter for the teacher to give the children a gift bag of candy, pencils, crayons, erasers and a book. Also, the teacehr is expected to give each child a gift for Christmas. The school system does not allocate funds for the teacher to buy these things. Everything a teacher gives to a class is from his/her own pocket. A teacher spends anywhere from $1000-$2000 each year out of his or her own pocket because they love the children. Teacher's so appreciate the little things that parents do for them. Volunteer in your child's classroom!! Let your willingness to come in and help be a gift to your child's teacher!! Volunteering is free!! Many of you work and are unable to come to your child's school. Volunteer to do things at home for your child's teacher such as staple papers and cut out bulletin board supplies etc. Give the gift of time!