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Everything posted by jarerice

  1. I have got to go to Target today to see if ours is 90%. I have stayed out of the stores since Christmas. My News Years resolution is to stop spending so much money. But 90% is calling my name....
  2. That's so sweet, Thank you!!! I am glad you liked everthing. Sorry about your MIL, LOL!!! That's funny. I got the arrow puzzle at the Dollar Tree. They have all kinds of them. I think 4 or 5 other ones. I picked that one, thinking it my challenge your 13 year old a bit. I really hope we do the Summer one again!
  3. I remember when Santa got lost when I was a kid.
  4. I got my batteries. Thanks for the reminder.
  5. http://c2.ac-images.myspacecdn.com/images02/23/l_ff8f56fc622b43ea9e983052a445b9a9.jpg
  6. Eve thanks for putting everything together again this year. YOu did a great job. Thanks again to my SS and my Orn SS. I loved it all.
  7. DD4 and I have been tracking Santa all morning ling!!! :)
  8. And Dh forgot to buy the earrings I had wanted. So he's shopping now. LOL. Him and DS10 went shopping last night. They always go shopping together on the 23rd.
  9. I didn't buy any batteries!!! OMG
  10. I had some fears about finding an Xbox since I missed out on it at Walmart on BF. But I walked right into Best Buy and picked one up.
  11. My sons does this so loud. I have no idea how he does it so darn loud. He has tried to teach me, but I can't figure it out. LOL
  12. My son's has done this same thing. He also got into trouble.
  13. I know, I thought the same thing. I will most likely regret buying them for both of the kids, but Eric asked for it and he hasn't really asked for anything toys. So I had to get it for him.
  14. South Alabama, warm and rainly. I think it may be a bit cooler for Christmas, but not much.
  15. We goto Christmas Eve Mass and then all get together at Dh's Mom and Dad's house to eat and open presents. It's a fun time watching all of the kids. There are 7 of them with Eric the oldest being 10. The rest are all under 5 years old. After they open the gifts they all play in the wrapping paper.
  16. I picked these up yesterday for 5.99 at toysrus! Thanks again!
  17. I got my boss and his wife an marble slab ice cream thing and a wii game.
  18. To everyone who is traveling, please be safe!!!!
  19. My OE came in and WOW!!!! I got a pack of 12 cute little ginger bread men and houses!!! They are so so cute!!! DD4 says those are hers to hand on our tree. I also got a pink ornament that is now my favorite ornament of all. It's about shopping!!!! It's says in big letters "Born to Shop" and then it has some other sayings on it. Thank you so much!!!! I love them. Here's a pic of the Born to Shop one: http://us.st12.yimg.com/us.st.yimg.com/I/bronners_2028_28936759
  20. I am still waiting on my OE. I was told it should be here by the 15th. Could you be my person Kimpooh19?
  21. They have it at Toysrus for $5.99. That's just one of Amazon's crazy prices.
  22. I just showed him the pic and that is it!!!! Thank you so much. I would have never figured this out on my own. Do they make another version of it thats not a keychain?
  23. We already have a Rubiks. He said this is something brand new. But thanks.
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