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Everything posted by Mommyof2

  1. I literally just got back from buying the Talking Chou Chou from TRU! It's $34.99 in store. Still a great deal! Thanks for the post!
  2. Yankee fan here!!!!!!!!! Thanks for the post! What a deal!
  3. All I've bought so far is the TMX Elmo for my DS who is 18 months. I haven't got anything for my DD yet. But we're going to be moving across the country a month before Xmas, so I'm not sure I want to buy anything now and have to travel with it!
  4. Always watch it! Trying to start a tradition for my two little ones!
  5. Rabx5 is right. You have to have 100 posts before you can do that. Get to postin'!!
  6. Ooooo, I love my Xmas village!! It has gotten so big in the past few years!! I don't own any of the Dept 56 things. I tend to get mine from Michaels or Walmart! Christmas is my all-time favorite holiday!!! I can't wait!
  7. Same here. My Ds is 17 months old and he's been in his toddler bed for a little over a month. He has done just fine! Sorry I can't help you with the crib tent. I never used one.
  8. Awesome deal!!! Ya can't beat a freebie!
  9. Well, this is not a find for me but I got $70 out of the deal! I replied to a post of someone needing a crib. Well, my 17 month old is now in his toddler bed, so I had a crib to get rid of! I got more than half of what I paid! Woo Hoo for me!!! I am addicted to searching CL!!! Great thread by the way!
  10. Ditto!! Welcome to GottaDeal all of you new members!
  11. Awesome! Going today and this will definitely help! Thank You!
  12. http://www.newegg.com/Product/ProductList.asp?N=2010170522+1309421168&Submit=ENE&SubCategory=522 Here is another link. I just did a search for them on newegg.com. Hope it helps.
  13. http://www.newegg.com/Product/CustRatingReview.asp?Item=N82E16820178054 I was just looking by price. The reviews look okay. Just a short note, I bought a 1GB TravelDrive from Memorex for my hubby and he uses it for work also (Army) and it's almost full!! Depending on how long he'll be gone and how much he needs to put on it, you may want to go bigger.
  14. I bought my swimsuit from them a few months ago! I'm glad it's not on sale now! I would have been very angry! LOL The suit I got was a Liz Clairborne and it fits great! I've never ordered a suit online before. Kind of hesitant with the sizing and all that. But I used their size charts and the suit fits perfectly! I hate that I paid $108 for it tho! Oh well! Thanks for posting with the sale.
  15. Darn!! I've already got all of those when they were on sale last time!! Thank you tho!
  16. That sounds like a great idea to me!
  17. Awesome! Took advantage of this great offer! Thank you OP for the great heads up!
  18. I haven't bought anything but the site is great! Thanks for the info!
  19. You can use the 15 off of 15 instore.
  20. Here is a gift check for $15 off $15, $50 off $150, $25 off $75, or $75 off $225.You can use the $15 off $15, in store only. The others are for both in store and online. Valid Apr 6-9. http://lanebryant.charmingshoppes.com/emailLB/2006/giftCheque_040606.asp Hope everyone is able to use it!
  21. :sidesplit
  22. I also bought all seven! DD will love them! What a great deal on books! I also got in on the Angelina Ballerina book sale they had not too long ago! Thanks OP!
  23. When I did mine, I couldn't find the polka dot bag either, so I typed in "polka dot bag" in the search and it came up. Then just add it to your shopping cart.
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