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Everything posted by Mommyof2

  1. Same! Not one single thing!
  2. The Switch goes live online at midnight, right?
  3. Military Exchange (for those able to shop there) has the switch for $299 with a free Mario Kart download
  4. THANK YOU!!! Just got mine from Amazon!!
  5. Oh my gosh, I'm super excited! I had every intention of buying this game at Game Stop, because I don't usually shop online. But I've had a $15 GC from Amazin for many months now, from doing online surveys, and I've had no clue what to spend it on! Well BINGO!! This game is on both of my kiddos xmas list! I just got it for $14.99!! Woot!!!!! Thanks for the post, OP! Happy Dance!! Happy Dance!! LoL
  6. Mommyof2

    Big Toy Book

    Oh Man! I wonder how much the Barbie Dream House is going to be?!?!?! This is high on my DD's list and I would love to get it! But I did spot "Layaway Available", so I might have to go grab it anyway! Thanks for the ad!!
  7. Hey all! I've entered my first ever photo contest and I'd like your votes! Now there are plenty of pictures that are better than mine, but I'd still like your vote! LOL Here is the link for the contest: http://www.winkflash.com/contest/winkflash/browse.aspx. I can't link directly to my picture but, the title of the picture is "Winter Beauty:Ryleigh's 1st Snow" and the UserID is:arcollins. It is between a photo of purple flowers with orange centers and closeup photo of a frozen tree branch with red berry's blossoming on it. I'd love your vote!!!
  8. Scored mine at Target for $7.99! Lovin' these Blu-Ray deals!!!
  9. Awesome! Thank You!
  10. Hey all you perusers! Question about the baby clearance...How are the items marked? Or are they not marked? I'm due in a few months and would love to start stocking up now! Thanks!
  11. DD7 absolutely loves her Little Mommy Gotta Go doll and her iCarly mp3 player. As for DS3, he hasn't stopped playing with his Hot Wheels race track and his Shake n' Go Dragsters!
  12. Got mine too! Thanks again!
  13. Whoops, I just updated the original thread from last year in the "Kids and Parenting" Forum...:)
  14. Well after reading this, I now have to go get BATTERIES!! A few days ago, I went through all of the presents and wrote down what batteries I need, so all I have to do is buy them! And I was just out running errands too!!! ERRR!!! Oh well, meeting some friends for lunch, which happens to be just down the road from Sams Club, so I'll head there afterwards! As for wrapping, being the procrastinator that I am, I waited until last night to wrap everything. And for the 1st time ever, DH helped!! I was shocked, but also a little mad....he picked the one year where I haven't really gone "all out" with gifts for the kids, to help! LOL
  15. We have the Jungle version and it is great! Great family game, and I recommend it to anyone! I have DS3 and DD7 who absolutely LOVE it!! I also agree with Jeninpa, my 3yo has just as much chance to win as the 7yo!
  16. OMG!! Thank you sooo much!!!
  17. I have to say that I am, for once, impressed with their BF ad! There are quite a few things that are drawing me to it!!!
  18. I just ordered a black one in 7/8. They are sold out of the green but still have low inventory in the black one!
  19. Back when DD was 3, we had bought her a Geotrax set for Christmas because she loved trains but no one makes a girly train!!! She is 7 now, and we got rid of it before her little brother came along. She absolutely LOVED it! I wish we hadn't gotten rid of it, but now my DS3 has a Thomas set that he absolutely loves. If I had to recommend one over the other it would be the Geotrax because they can use the remotes to move them around the track, accompanied with train sounds.
  20. Looking at the website now, Free standard shipping for a limited time. Use code GIFTSHIP at checkout. Hope this helps!
  21. I got the same email this morning No explanation at all. I can't even view the order in my Amazon order history. Oh well.....
  22. Thank you, thank you! I'm not due until June, but I will definitely need them!
  23. Like Mudechevy, I have flown AirTran several times and have never had a negative experience. I always fly with my two children, which I was dreading, but all my flights with them have been problem-free. I fly AirTran because it is low-budget, which is all we can afford! LOL I'm sorry about your experience with their customer service department. It makes sense that if there were pets on board, that they would say something to other passengers. Especially being in an enclosed airplane! I hope you get whatever resolution you are in search of :)
  24. I found them at TRU.
  25. I own a Kirby! I won't tell you what I paid for it, b/c they really got me!! But I can tell you that I absolutely LOVE my Kirby!! We had one while I was growing up and it was awesome. I have The Ultimate G by Kirby. It has tons of attachments including the foaming carpet cleaner. I really love it! Just my 2 cents :)
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