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Everything posted by Kara1204

  1. I was kinda hoping to be able to insert pics from my computer without having to go through PhotoBucket, etc. Am I missing a way to do it? And, some new "hip" smilies would of been good. I know, I am nit-picking.....but, everything looks good and I am just airing my "wish list"
  2. Is it possible to change this grammatically incorrect thread title? I get a stabbing sensation in my chest every time I see it....
  3. TODAY (Friday, Feb. 12) ONLY http://www.walgreens.com/topic/promotion/ff021210.jsp?ban=flh1_h_dts 15% off everything and 20% off Wags brand stuff. Friends and family sale. Just got back from using mine. Got 40 bucks worth of stuff for 16. They took the 15 and 20% off BEFORE Wag and Man. coupons! I was really surprised. I had a manQ for everything I bought, too. Also got the free 8X10 collage print. You must order that one TODAY to get if for FREE. Code is: VDAY __________________
  4. Outside of bacon....this is by far the most fatty cut on the hog.
  5. I got one. They take Paypal!
  6. Might be worth it to wait on this one a while. Last year, I got this identical throw, at Kohl's.com, for 10 bucks....shipped! And, I LOVE it, BTW. Been using it a lot lately. So thick and soft and warm! Keeps me from having to turn of the furnace when watching TV at night.
  7. Duh....guess I was looking TOO hard at it....just figuring there HAD to ba a catch
  8. Wow! Great deal. Does this company sell refurbs? Or is it factory new/sealed? I did not see one way or the other which it is.
  9. If you are into punishing your feet in style, this is the place to go! This stuff is DIRT cheap! Why, you could outfit a whole FLEET of hookers for a hundred bucks! If I were not going in for foot surgery in 2 days, I would definitely buy a couple pair of boots here just for FUN!
  10. Log into your account FIRST and see what you have. Then, when you are done with Token Grabber......do a little math.
  11. Use GottaDeal all year around for birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, showers, or ANY other occasion. The deals are posted here 24/7/365.
  12. I forgot all about the Kohl's cash deal! Just got an email today with a $10.00 certificate to print out and use in the store. Gotta use it by Jan. 2, tho, that kinda sucks.
  13. I tried that and it came to $77.87 with tax???? Has the price gone up the last 5 days?
  14. Just logged in to tokengrabber and got me 27,000 points.
  15. EVERY female on my list will get some of my VAST Bath and Body Works "collection"
  16. Link: http://www.calendars.com/
  17. Good time to repeat this link. If you have not done it in a while, then you COULD get 100,000 tokens! Takes less than one minute to do. I do it about once a week and always get more free tokens. Just got 6,000 last night. http://www.pogocheats.net/token-grabber/
  18. Just the 69 cent 2 liters of Pepsi products at the local HyVee. No limit!
  19. WM and Fareway are 40 cents here. BUT, at HyVee, we have a coupon....you buy a Hormel Cure 81 ham at $2.99 lb (they are averaging 18 bucks each) and you get the turkey FREE. There is also a tear pad manu. coupon for $3.00 off the ham. So, 15 bucks gets you 12 lbs of turkey AND 6 lbs of the best (IMO) boneless ham in the store. That is the deal I am doing. Saving the ham for Christmas (exp, date on hams is Jan 30, 2010) Same problem here, WM stock on the 40 cent turkeys is sporadic....at best.
  20. Oh Poop, nothing big enough left in the Hawkeye crocs.
  21. Thanks, Brad. No hurry, I know you are busy this time of year.
  22. Is there a way to put a link or tag to my Facebook page under my Avatar? I see tags for ebay, twitter, and some IM sites......
  23. http://www.kohls.com/kohlsStore/jewelry/sterlingsilver/diamonds/rings/PRD~160418/SilverTone+Mesh+Ring.jsp [ATTACH]3163[/ATTACH] Got this for $3.70 shipped. Thanks for all codes.
  24. Lucky you! They let you combine offers? Coupons say no combining allowed. I guess I will try it.
  25. Used my freebie coupons I received last month. Bought a hand sanitizer mini for $1.50 and got a Sig. Collection body cream ($12 value) for FREE! Did not even have to pay tax on it. I got the Enchanted Orchid. Love it! Chick in the store offered me a blob of the new Twilight scent, it was OK, but I would not BUY it.
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