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Posts posted by queenofshopping

  1. Do you use it or bags? When do you buy it and where? Do you go with a theme?


    I use paper more than bags. Save the bags for the odd shaped things. I always buy it after christmas for the next year (Tops, Target, Dollar Tree). Although if I run out I usually go to Dollar Tree if no one else has it on sale cheaper


    I sue snowman wrapping paper for anyone who isn't a kid well except my mom she gets santa as she loves santa's

    i try to use paper as much as possible since bags cant be stacked as easily around the tree


    i have a stash of paper that carries over from year to year, so i just buy a roll or two of something i like each yeah & try to toss a few old ones in january b4 the stuff goes back into storage...last year i bought a few extra rolls at walmart after xmas, & im ashamed to admit one was in my trunk (suv) till last week...another, sadly, was lost in a tragic iced tea accident :bigcry: it was soo pretty too

  2. i wanted to get the new(ish) trivial pursuit dvd game (pop culture or soemthing?) & i saw it for 17 or 18 on BF, but does anyone know if it's currently on sale somewhere? :bunny:
  3. Is that 3:30 am? :( Well 3:30 isn't as bad as midnight I guess. How are the roads at that time? All I want is one stinking thing at BB, then off to Staples, and hopefully back to bed by 8. Looks like I can do that but I just won't have any bags to come home with huh?


    21yankees, I'm in Fanwood!

    yeah everyone on this forum is making me paranoid :( so i keep pushing my start time up...roads are fine (i take 280 to parkway south to 22), almost peaceful compared to how they usually are


    can you price match the thing at BB anywhere else?

  4. I think I would if I were you, well depending where you are. Where are you shopping this year? I am going so early because I have to get a lot in my cart before getting in line and I know that the little people and care bears are going fast! I called my wm to see how busy they get, you might want to do that too. One said people start getting there at midnight and another said 3! lol I think I eill take the chance that there will be people there at midnight and if not I can always put stuff on layaway and go sit in my car Or I can hop into my cart and play tetris on my game boy!

    going to walmart in watchung, nj (anyone wanna be my shoppin buddy?)...im thinkin it's gonna be packed, & now this forum is making me paranoid, maybe i'll go for 2...not like im sleeping anyway :tired:


    snow here in jersey tomorrow, maybe a little on bf...im worried about the temp tho, it's just before 1pm here & the wind chill is 25, i can only imagine what 4am friday will be like
  5. i have maybe 10, none wrapped - wrapping doesnt start till after the tree is up & decoration boxes temporarily put away (not enough room in the apartment) - as it is the living room looks like a bomb hit it since i just got back from vegas & havent unpacked yet...too many things going on rite now :juggle:
  6. We watch The Grinch, the cartoon one and A Muppets Christmas Carol. You gotta love the muppets.

    muppets!!!!! i usually get in a solid 20 viewings each of muppet christmas carol & muppet family christmas each season :holiday08


    i'll watch pretty much anything...except a christmas story :yuck:

  7. ot: is it just me, or are there not really any decent deals for nintendo ds this year? i was sure some store would make a killing with 15 or 20 bucks off on the unit alone (not these bundle things)


    the kid in me got quite excited seeing the price of sp at walmart ($48 i think) - i'm quite tempted to get one for myself (i figure i deserve it, since all i ever had as a kid was the old green-screen clunker)

  8. Can I just say, you all are making me home sick. I grew up in Westfield. I still can't get over how much 22 has been built up everytime I'm home. Now I'm in California and am missing NJ a lot.


    Hope you all have the best of luck on BF.




    i'd imagine westfield itself has changed quite a bit too :gd_dollar :gd_dollar :gd_dollar


    as much as it kills me to say, i could never leave nj - best insanity anywhere :trampolin

  9. I will be getting the door buster bb dvds from wal mart to price match, some items from target to price match, and the little people playsets and the 16 qt roaster from there too! lol needless to say I will be there at about 1am!

    im also looking to price match on the bb dvds, & for the little people sets, plus the dual-screen (in-car) dvd player & care bear...should i be going earlier? :confused:

  10. i think both of the last 2 years i was there 30-40 mins before opening (bb in 03, target in 04)..at bb there were a good hundred (or two) people ahead of me but i just wanted dvds, then at target i was one of the first 50 or so (we were all huddled into the area between the sets of doors bc it was so cold :()


    this year im going to walmart for 3:30, but again i dont need any of the doorbuster-type stuff (at least i dont think i do - what's at walmart that everyone's gonna be grabbing for?)

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