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  1. I was online until 2 am and then again at 5 am, and they were sold out. Thanks
  2. Me too, I thought it was just me!! There is no "message board" button anymore on top.
  3. I have a big family and big in-law family also. We have picked names for each kid so I only buy for 2 kids since I only have 2 kids. Each child gets paired up with another similar aged/gender child, so it's easier to buy for that child. We do this on both sides of my family. That way, I'm not buying for anyone who has 5 kids and I'm only buying for the amount of kids I actually have. So, my kids only get 1 gift each from their cousins on my husbands side and one gift each from the cousins on my side. Makes for a much more managable Christmas financially for me anyway. Then for the sisters/brothers and adults, we do a Chinese gift exchange. Each adult sibling/parent brings 1 gift wrapped with no name tag within the price range of say $10-20.
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