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Everything posted by he8765

  1. I love mail-in rebates. As long as you are able to follow the directions when submitting your rebate, and able to follow-up if the rebate gets falsely rejected, then items with mail-in rebates end up being much cheaper than if there was no rebate at all. There's plenty of stuff to buy that's free after rebate, but when do you ever see anything on sale for free without a rebate?
  2. Yes, I do the auto top-up with my Virgin Mobile phone too. I'm very happy with the pre-paid Virgin Mobile service.
  3. he8765


    It takes longer for CUSA checks to get processed as compared to Staples, but it sure beats mailing in all of the paperwork.
  4. Staples is good.
  5. I got it online too. A great price for 200GB!
  6. They also have the 2GB Sansa for $69.99
  7. If you're an Amazon prime member, you can get free shipping for any order, even if it's under $25
  8. Good price. Even better, you can buy it at Staples for $159.99 and do a 110% price match to Circuit City to save an additional $9.00
  9. These freebies are not the greatest of quality, but you can never go wrong with free!
  10. Rite Aid will be open this year on Thanksgiving too.
  11. Yes, definitely make copies. The rebate center sometimes invalid rebates mistakenly, so without copies of your paperwork you might be out of luck.
  12. I want the external HD too
  13. On past Black Fridays I believe it took until late in the morning before the BF "instant savings" sale prices were showing online. Hopefully it will happen earlier this year.
  14. I haven't heard anything about that either.
  15. Best Buy already has their BF ad up on their site, hopefully CC will do the same soon.
  16. Thanks for the good info.
  17. Does anyone know if Microcenter will have any of these deals available online?
  18. The stores will definitely be closed on Thursday. Hopefully they will have some good deals online on that day.
  19. I'd be interested in getting this information too.
  20. This promotion seems to work for existing Google Checkout users also, as long as you add a new credit card number to your Google Checkout account.
  21. Office Depot rebates are among the worst these days. It takes forever for the rebates to show up on their tracking site, and then they are frequently marked as invalid for bogus reasons.
  22. That was good info...thanks
  23. More details would be nice, this sounds like a great deal.
  24. That would be nice, but I doubt it. If it is, it will probably be sold out within seconds.
  25. Thanks for the info. By the way, this promotion was mentioned in their weekly circular this week also.
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