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Everything posted by krissy72

  1. I can't get the free shipping to work. The offer can't be applied. Provided profile doesn't match restrictions of the offer.
  2. This will be my first year without my daughter on Christmas morning. She will be coming later in the day. I'm trying to find new ideas and traditions for Christmas Eve and morning. If anyone has any ideas, let me know
  3. Thanks pogiporkchop!! I really did have a great time with the exchange!! Thanks for helping to make my Christmas special. I am wearing my microwave socks as I type this.
  4. I have 1 pair of mittens that I ordered on Dec. 4th. They are still in fulfillment. No email though. I have noticed that most shipping has been extremely delayed this year. It is driving me nuts.
  5. Here is my story: It is snowing in upstate NY today, but no delays or closings at my Daughter's (15) school, so off she went. I went to the Post Office to get the Company mail, along with my own. There it was! My package from my SS. I wanted to open it but it had already taken longer at the Post Office today than normal so I decided I had to wait until lunch. Later that morning, the school called work with an automated phone call. School would be letting out at 11:30 today because the snow IS NOT stopping. Well, fine, ok, that will work out perfectly. I will go to the bus stop at lunch (noon) and pick her up so she won't have to walk home in this. I get to the bus stop and I wait, bus should have been here by now but that is ok, I will just open my ss gift in the car while I wait. Here is what was inside: Candy cane hot cocoa with marshmallows Hot chocolate mug with all the fixings (daughter claimed that one) A tin of cookies (which I ate most of for lunch while I waited) An AZ calendar (thank you ) Microwaveable socks lmao So now I have to tell you about the socks! Last night my daughter and I were in Bon-Ton just walking around. I was kind of complaining to her about my Husband and how he picks out my Christmas presents. I said to my Daughter, "ya know? If your Dad would just take the time to walk around and look at things and think about what I like, he would know that......look at these! He would know that I would like these microwaveable socks." Well, my Daughter just thought that was the funniest thing. "You want Dad to get you microwaveable socks?" "Yeah, why not, I would like these." So, when she got in the car and I showed her the socks, we laughed and laughed and I can't wait to put them on when I get home. Thank you SS, you made our day!! How did you know?
  6. Yay!! I received my box today. Can't wait to go home for lunch so I can open it. I'm not even going to try to wait for Christmas.
  7. I love Dolce and Gabanna, light blue and Philosophy's Amazing Grace but I agree with Audrey Nicole.
  8. SS package sent and cards sent. I have really been enjoying the cards I have received so far.
  9. krissy72

    Grab Bag Ideas

    Every year I have a grab bag filled with dvd movies. The kids end up with 3 or so oldies but goodies and 1 new release. Because our families have mostly turned to downloaded movies, this year I want to do a different type of grab bag. I am however having a hard time coming up with a grab bag idea. There are 3 twenty somethings and one 16 year old included in this tradition. Anyone have any ideas?
  10. I would love a new job and a vacation
  11. I have worked retail and I have worked holidays. Many people do, in all kinds of professions. I knew I would have to work weekends and holidays before I took the job. It wasn't awful but yes I would have rather have been home. It was those types of things that made me keep looking for a better job. That is how the real world works.
  12. I hope more people feel the same way. The lines will be a lot quicker.
  13. Rats, I missed it this year.
  14. I am loving all the cards that I have been receiving. It has been a very hectic few weeks so they have been a real joy!! Now, I did get my ss package and I did open it cause I am worse than a kid. I just so appreciate my ss for all she did and the time she spent. I love everything in the box. I Love the bear salt and pepper holder, the bear ornament, the hand soaps, the star and the plaque. Right now the bear salt and pepper holder is on my dining room table holding Christmas candles instead and looks so cute. Thanks so much. I would take pictures but my camera is on the fritz. Sorry it took so long to acknowledge, but with the past few weeks that I have had, these cards and gifts have been a real blessing.
  15. Any sign of Boscovs or Dicks? Need Northface ski pants.
  16. krissy72

    Home Depot

    Again... where is the like button?
  17. krissy72

    Home Depot

    Any news on Home Depot? Love that one on Black Friday, and year round too.
  18. Does anyone think there is more to this ad that they aren't showing yet? Thursday's deals look pretty good. Like normal bf ads from walmart. The Friday ad seems blah. Just thinking there will be more to it.
  19. 532 for free shipping on $10
  20. 1 pm here
  21. I will be in Binghamton, NY or Scranton, PA
  22. Big thanks going out to merrywether and mgmckny for all my ss and oe gifts. Merrywether, did you make that "Be the person your dog thinks you are" picture? We love that!!
  23. Swampbaby- Love the card!! Thanks.
  24. Went and rechecked the product page and found it, thanks.
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