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Everything posted by Donnask8pro

  1. Donnask8pro

    Lego Deals?

    Is there a way to see TOYS R US whole ad scan? I would love to read the fine print..
  2. So it looks like the Kohls cash part of the deal is over but the codes are still good?
  3. Who's to say they are going to have enough of the deals for those 13 hours? I was also wondering how early I have to be there Thanksgiving Midnight? Think there will be lines then also?
  4. 2 straight days of shopping in Kohs. I made a huge dent in my christmas shopping.. Wahoooo
  5. Sorry for not reading back but is all the halloween stuff gone from the stores? I went into one yesterday and nothing. I was shocked. NOthing?? lol Thanks
  6. I may be blind in my old age but I dont see the 30 off.
  7. 2 years ago I was standing on line at Radio Shack with my GF at 5:00am. We started talking to the women behind us. Realizing while talking to them we were both going to the same places we made a deal. I stayed in line with one of the woman and my GF took the other woman to our next stop so we could divide and conquer. We helped out each other the next few hours and made a killing on deals helping each other out.. Moral of the it pays to be nice to others..
  8. Exactly the answer I came looking for. Thanks as always
  9. I have to say that the sales/clearance stink lately. I have 4-5 stores near me and I do move around to hit them all and nothing lately. I still do put things away from next years Christmas but I need better deals right now to part with my money. I did try to purchase something last week and they wouldnt sell it to me. Still amazes me
  10. I got mine and the coupon is attached to the card
  11. I went back to look and see where I saw it, can't find it now. Maybe I was wrong. sorry but I'll keep looking.
  12. 40% off Legos at ToysRUs Fri and Sat
  13. I cant figure out what other games they are showing for PSP? Can you tell?
  14. I just went into Dicks yesterday (NJ) got cleats for m DS for football. orig 55.00 for 19.99 THey had alot of them on the sale racks. I didnt buy specific football cleats but they had alot to choose from. Good Luck
  15. Last year we bought 8, 46in sharp aquos at Sears. Everyone I know now has one.. LOL
  16. I also ordered and did not get it. Does anyone have a contact email or phone number? I think its time I started raising holy H**L.
  17. Thank you so much. Thats the one we're getting. Did you get free shipping?
  18. still looking. Anyone? Need help. Thanks
  19. I know nothing but nephew wants one. Best prices? What should I expect to pay? 79? 89? Hopefully. Thanks
  20. Wow, thanks. I just got it for DS7 to help promote his reading.
  21. AAAUUGGHHHHH. I just left 2 different stores and the Global was so picked over. I was eyeing that leather ottoman/bench seat forever, of course my fault I waited. GONE. So frustrating. Well, tomorrow off to another one to see if they have it. Fingers crossed.
  22. I wish we had a way of knowing what area everyone lives in. It hard to figure out any type of system w/o knowing. If your not sure how to do it go to control panel and edit your profile. Please let us know if Global is 50% and where you live. Thanks alot. I have a nasty cold and am trying not to run unless I have to. But I will go out if the sale is in my area.
  23. I want to know that also. 50% soon? I want something also but to much for me now. Fingers crossed. Post please if anyone knows.. Thanks
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