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Posts posted by ajburlingame

  1. This is a hard one. I can't come up with 1 particular dish. I love food for the holidays. I must admit that my favorites would be the cookies and candies over the side dishes though. I have a huge sweet tooth and alot of the cookies and candies we only get once a year, at the holidays.
  2. Most of them hate it. Say it is the 2nd worst day of the year to have to work retail. The worst is the day after Christmas, or so that is what the word is around here.
  3. I am not a big rebate person but if there is a rebate that I see available on an item that I was going to be buying anyway, I definately do the rebate. I just got a little over $15 from Walgreens items that I was there to pick up anyway and then I saw that they had rebates on them :)
  4. My sister is the only one who doesn't think that I am crazy. Everyone else in my family and everyone in my husbands family thinks I am crazy. I don't hear anyone complaining when they are opening presents on Christmas though!!
  5. Thanks for this great post. I still have to decide which camera I am going to try to get on BF. I have never had a digital camera and DH has been really wanting to get one before the baby comes (due 2/7/6) so I thought Santa might put it under the tree for the whole family if he can find a deal on one.
  6. More than 12 hours......every year. We start at around 4:30 - 5:00 at the latest. We normally get home between 6:00 - midnight. One year we got home at a little after midnight, it was one of the first few years that we went. My husband was worried to death about us. He couldn't believe that we could still be out shopping. Now if we get home before 8:00, he wants to know if we are sick or if something is wrong. The year that we didn't get home until after midnight, my feet hurt so bad the next day that I could hardly walk. All this for the love of bargains :)
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