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Posts posted by Rayny

  1. http://coupons.50webs.org/coupons24/coupon4.html





    here you go, if you can't click on them then go to target website and down at the bottom of the page you'll see target coupon link. Hope this helps

    Thanks from me, too. I printed a bunch up and am heading there now. I doubt I'll pick up 25 of them, LOL, but that's how many coupons I printed. I'll just leave the ones I don't use sitting there for someone else. That's if they have them at all.

  2. Hello to a felllow 'Burgher!


    Doesn't look like anyone addressed your concern about buying for only three people. You might want to check each one out in advance to make sure they have the items you want to shop for, and that the sizes of the items will work for you.


    We only have two to shop for, and neither Sams nor Costco is effective for us because the sizes of the food items are too large to be convenient. And we don't buy enough clothes/electronics to justify the memberships just for that. But I'd be the first to admit that we're not much for shopping just to buy stuff.


    I have no experience with Costco, so I can't comment. I wish one would come to our area.


    I have to agree with you about this post though (at least where Sam's is concerned). Lots of their food items come in bulk which wouldn't be cost effective for a huge family, let alone a family of 3. Many however come in family size packages. If you'd buy their meat (I wouldn't due to the dye), you can separate it into meals for your own family if one package it too much.


    I've found that milk is normally cheaper here, but there are TONS of items (especially food items) that are way overpriced, IMO. I can get mostly all that at my local grocery store on sale for much less.


    For us, we have a membership to take advantage of the non food items (for the most part). All video games for example start at $5.00 less than you can get them at other stores (talking new release only, as you can get deals everywhere, including Sam's on older games). Their prices (with rebates) on computer software can't be beat. Movies are sometimes less, but this isn't always true either. Books are reasonable (again, you may or may not find it for less elsewhere). We once bought a computer at Sam's for $2000. This same computer was at Circuit City, ON SALE, for $300 more. Then again, you'll pay top dollar for something as simple as a case of soda at Sam's.


    To the OP. I highly suggest you try before you buy no matter which you decide on.

  3. Another great thing about Costco is their return policy. If you buy a big screen TV it comes with a one year MF warranty. If it breaks at any time Costco will give you your money back or replace it with a comparable unit. So it could be 3 years later and Costco will still take it back. It is the best guarantee around.


    Now, years ago I bought a wrought iron fountain from Sam's for about $250. It rusted after a year. I was ticked off and mentioned it in passing to a CR one day. They said "bring it back." They took it back (no receipt, but they recognized it) and gave me my $250 back. So I had the use of it (rusted or not it looked good for awhile) and they cheerfully refunded my money.


    One more plus about Sam's is that they mark down meat around 10 a.m. (meat that will expire in a few days). Costco doesn't do that.


    You can't go wrong either way, but I do like Costco.

    I heard Walmart injects their meat with dye to make it more attactive. I've always wondered if Sam's did the same thing? I never buy meat from either place.

  4. I think it will depend on the ages that you're buying for, but I can SO relate to wasting money on games that get played for 5 minutes or less. Here are 2 websites that might be able to help you out. The first is Game Rankings. You can see how games stack up here, but keep in mind, all reviews are from professional sites. The 2nd is Game Spot's message board where you can read how the consumer (mostly young guys) feel about certain games, and you can post questions about what they feel might be the best fit for your family.


    I say it depends on the ages involved because if you're buying for really young kids, their opinions will vastly differ from the norm. Feel free to ask for help though as many of posters have younger siblings and/or children and they can perhaps guide you a bit.


    Since I've been visiting these 2 sites (years now, and we buy every video game system that comes along) I haven't bought any games that I'd consider clunkers yet. It's been a life saver for us.



    Here, on the pull down menus, make sure you click the WII under platform, and set the "limit results to" to 200, so you get a wide variety.



    This is the link to all forums, from here, you'll want to go to the Nintendo WII board.

  5. I love Costco! Their return policy just can't be beat--you can take back anything at anytime except for computers. The computers have a 6 month limit. I now buy most of our electronics at Costco. It's like having a lifetime warranty.


    The only thing that I wish Costco had was cupcakes! I know that you can buy the large platters of cupcakes at Sam's. The Costco cakes are to die for. They are awesome.


    I love the quality of the items at Costco vs Sam's.


    You may want to get a free day pass to go and check out each club.

    We don't have a Costco's in our area, so it's a non-issue for us, but don't get held up on those cupcakes. I bought them and sent them to school for my son's birthday one year and all the kids said they were the worst cupcakes they'd ever had. Now, I didn't try them, but after that, I really had no desire to do so.


    I could be wrong, but doesn't Martha Stewart say she buys meats at Costco's?

  6. That's Macy's problem at my store it is mostly their brand! Very little Liz & no Chaz etc.

    This is my thoughts too. I don't want their stupid brands, I want better known and made brands.


    I took my son school shopping (Kaufmann's has always been our favorite store for boys). Well, we had, Levi, Levi, Levi, and more Levi (plus their brand which I would never buy anyway) to choose from. Don't get me wrong, I like Levi, but I also like variety.

  7. There was a writeup in last weeks paper that Macy's has lost alot of customers since they changed from Kaufmanns. It was my favorite store too! I miss my brands and don't know where to go now. Only highend brand petiete sizes fit me.:(

    Luckily for us, a brand new Boscov's just opened in our area. It's replaced Kaufmann's for me (though I'd love to have had both). They seem to have a nice petite section (though I'm not short, so I didn't spend much time there). If you have one in your area, it might be worth the trip. The sales right now are really great, too. They carry a lot of better name brands that Kaufmann's used to have.

  8. I agree! I worked there when it was Kaufmanns, whoa did I ever stock up! You can't beat the discount! I loved it!


    I have the Macy's elite card which I get a coupon for 20% and I used it on Weds. when it was 50/30 then I got my 20. Somethings were even 75/30.

    I so miss Kaufmann's. :( It used to be my favorite store. IMO, Macy's doesn't even slightly compare.

  9. This has been a huge problem with the X-Box 360s, especially with the initial release.


    I've done repairs on 11 X-Box 360s (and have two sitting in the room with me right now); the 3RLoD is the most common issue, but also an easily fixed one if you know what you're doing. I've made a killing on them by offering to repair them for $100 (much less than MS' fee), getting them shipped to me (or picking up, in two local cases), and repairing them same-day.


    I get $100 for two hours of work, they get their X-Box 360 back completely fixed for less than MS would charge and about 3 months and three weeks earlier. win-win. :cool:


    Don't let it dissuade you from picking up a 360 now though, the ones on the shelves now have, for the most part, had the issue resolved (weak/bad/unskilled/lazy chip soldering).

    Wow, Xbox is charging more than $100 this generation? It was about half that for the prior system (you did have to argue a bit to get that though). They'd mail you a shipping container (they'd pay that) and you'd have your system back in less than a week from start to finish. Plus, they also kept you updated every stage of the way via email.


    Thanks to the OP, we picked up another Xbox because of this deal. :)

  10. I personally don't like their quality. They're like Old Navy but with a better name. I'll stick to my Gap & Levis jeans, and Ralph Lauren polos.

    I hope you're speaking for yourself and not your children. Your child would never win a popularity contest with these brands, as they're all way beyond out. Levi is the only brand on the list that might be a tad in style (for men, as they do little to stay up to date for woman), but a few years back, they pulled out of the states and went overseas. You can now buy the brand in the various Mart stores (granted the mall still carries them too- especially Macy's). IMO, they deserve what they get and I no longer have any loyalty to them at all. Levi is supposed to be an American tradition. :rolleyes:

  11. I'm pretty sure Rockstar games will be cross-platform and will come out for at least the 360. The only reason I could find to buy a PS3 is that it supports 1080p, but as for games, it doesn't look that stellar. I bought a PS3 myself, and I've played Resistance, which is quite good, but after looking at the launch/upcoming titles, I may not be keeping it very long. Games like Metal Gear Solid will eventually cross platform to the 360 and a Final Fantasy game is coming out on the Wii. Even the 360 is appealing at this point -- Gears of War is probably the best action game on the market right now (and of course Zelda), Halo 3 is around the corner, and neither of these games will be cross platforming on other consoles. Then take into consideration the fact that microsoft isn't force feeding you their media (blu-ray), but give you the option to get the HD DVD addon.


    3rd party developers will make games for the Wii. It would be stupid not to considering how popular the system is and will be. Affordability, innovativeness, and fun characterize this system. Although the PS3 is clearly more powerful, so far I think that it lacks those listed qualities and replaces them with fantastic graphics. Of course, this won't stop people from buying it (it didn't stop me), but we'll just have to wait and see which console produces the best games.


    To get back on topic, by all means, buy your daughter what she wants. I was just giving my opinion. Also, to clarify some information, the original poster stated




    You can play gba games on the DS, not the other way around. And to answer your question about the stylus use, many games don't make much use of the touch screen like New Super Mario Bros and Mario Kart, but other games like Elite Beat Agents and the Brain games rely heavily on the stylus to play. It takes some getting used to, but I have found it enjoyable to say the least.

    I thought the same about the DS being backward compatible, but I figured the OP knew what he/she was talking about.


    As for the Wii getting the 3rd party support. That may be true of this generation, but take a look back at the Cube. Many wouldn't develop for them because it wasn't profitable to do so. Many did make for them in the beginning, but pulled out later on. They took a huge hit in the sports genre. We'll see how it goes this generation and who knows, it might change, but I won't hold my breath. The sad fact is, most who buy Nintendo buy it for the kiddie quality games (though I'm not suggesting Nintendo doesn't put out some of the best and most fun games on the market). Look at this thread alone. Everyone loves the kiddie games on the DS and recommend it because they don't want their kids playing other types. I'm not faulting anyone. Just pointing out facts. How much money do you think Rockstar would make from the Wii? Sure, they'd sell some, but enough to make it profitable for them? We'll see I guess.


    Yes too, to the fact that Rockstar will be on the Xbox (which is our number 1 system btw), but you'll wait because they'll go to Sony first. They will then simply be ported over. We'll see what that means this generation too. The last generation, the PS2 was quite a ways behind the Xbox, so ports weren't anything great. There was no reason to not buy it for the PS2 MONTHS (years at times) before it would be released on the Xbox because you certainly weren't going to get a better game once it crossed platforms.


    If you like the Japanese style RPGs (we don't) a PS3 will likely be your best bet this generation too. Microsoft will never take this genre. American RPGs maybe, but not Japanese.


    There are too many reasons not to own them all, but ultimately for many, it comes down to what one can afford. There are no real winners or losers here. You should always consider your own preferences and buy what suits your needs the best. The fact that my son's favorite genre is 1st person shooters, with 3rd coming in slightly behind, the Xbox 360 will likely be the best system for our family this generation too.


    For me personally, it'll probably be the Wii, as Animal Crossing 2 (or whatever it's called) is the game that will make it a must own for me.

  12. I love Weather.com

    I didn't realize weather.com was the same as weatherchannel.com, but I went to see if they said differently for my area. LOL Turns out, they are one in the same. I've never had a problem with them either and while the weatherbug may put spyware and adware on my computer, they're backing up what weather.com is reporting.


    I did check wunderground.com though and it's confirming what the Weather Channel, and my Weatherbug stated.

  13. I think all the systems offer something that's unique to only that system. They all have their advantages and they all have their disadvantages.


    I have no doubt that the Wii will be as great as the NES, SNES, N64, and the Cube, which each had their day in the sun. The same could be said about all the handhelds, the Playstations, Sega's consoles, and the Xboxes. One thing I will say though is, the DS will in no way be compatible with the Wii. The PSP will definitely outperform the DS as far as compatibility is concerned. Sony has bent over backward to make them compatible. You'll even be able to download older games to the PS3 (this feature is available in Japan now, and the games are under $5.00) and then transfer the game and play it on the PSP.


    I just feel many here are recommending a system to the OP based on what they prefer. His/her child is asking for the PSP. His/her child already has the ability to play the games for the DS. If this child wants the system for games she's interested in, I think it's a bit disingenuous for everyone to say, forget what she wants, get what I think she should have. Now, if you want to compare features/games, that's a different story, but that's not what I'm seeing here.


    This is why I feel the OP needs to find out why the child wants this system. The DS is definitely the better option if you like the RPG games, but the PSP is top notch in other genres where the DS doesn't compare.


    It's all about the games. Find out what type of games you're interested in, then choose the system that supports your likes the most.


    The Wii is going to be a must own for my family because of the 1st party exclusives that Nintendo will put out. It's certainly not going to out perform the PS3 though. Sony pretty much has Rockstar in their pocket too. IMO, that's a HUGE reason right there to buy the PS3. Rare left Nintendo and now belongs to Microsoft, so all those great games will only be available on the Xbox too. I can't believe Nintendo let them go.

  14. I'm in PA, which is definitely a mid Atlantic state and they're calling for clouds, but luckily, I'm not seeing rain till Tuesday, the 28th. This was from the Weather Channel. My Weather Bug is saying mostly sunny Friday and no rain in the forecast till Monday night, the 27th.


    Hopefully, Mother Nature will take it easy on us.

  15. Bestbuy7 why did you thing that the PSP was a waste? What did you not like about it.


    Rayny how old are your kids?

    My daughter is 14 and my son just turned 16, so they're a bit older. I'd still think it's your best bet. If your daughter already can play the games on her GBA, why not go for the other? It sounds like what she's asking for, too.


    It is more. I can't argue that point, but it's more because it's more popular and Sony doesn't have to lower the price. My son says the graphics are better on the PSP than they are on the PS2.


    My kids do like Nintendo too, and are dying to get the Wii. They also are hoping Santa brings them a PS3 too though. Nintendo never forgets the fun factor in a game, IMO, and so, we'll have to buy it, but if I could only get 1 system, the Wii would come in dead last. Just for the simple fact that in the past, they've not gotten the support that the other systems (Xbox, Sony) gets. They do have a lot of great 1st party games though and you'll never get them on the other systems.


    Why don't you sit down with your daughter and ask her exactly why she's wanting the PSP. If she mentions the games at all, IMO, that's what you should get. If she starts talking about the extras, perhaps you'd do better with an Ipod (just kidding), but I think you see what I'm saying.

  16. I'm just the opposite of the poster above me. My kids used to get the Gameboy every time a new one was released, but when the PSP came out, they've not looked back. None of the kids around here have the DS. Every single one that comes around my kids has the PSP.
  17. raynay- this is one of the fliers that came with a $10 off $10 coupon. I do the same thing as you with the socks...sometimes ones on clearance and I get about 4 pairs for under $1 after the coupon.


    I agree that this is not a great sale but it is their Black Friday offering and I thought maybe someone would want to see it (even if they see it and decide not to go there because the deal is not that good.)

    Sorry, I never meant to imply that you shouldn't post the sale. I say put them all out there and let everyone decide for themselves where they want to shop.


    When school started, I had one of those coupons for $10.00 off. My daughter bought a shirt $20, a skirt, and 2 other shirts (I think all but the $20 shirt was on clearance) and the lady said, $7 something. I about flipped! I expected it to be well over $30. I don't know if she made a mistake, but I did ask her to recheck it, and she just repeated that it was $7 something.


    I know the quality isn't as great as some other stores (says a friend of mine who won't shop there, though I don't see it personally), but for the price, who cares? If they get damaged in the wash or they don't hold up well, who cares for that price?

  18. Fashion Bug is one of the few stores that I don't have to drive an hour to get to, so we're in there pretty regularly. In all honesty, they run better sales at other times of the year.


    One thing I would highly suggest if anyone does shop there though is, go to their website and sign up for sales and promotions that they offer. About 10 times a year they send out cards of, get $10 off a $10 or more purchase. You also get other mailers, with some offering coupons that those who aren't on the mailing list never receive.


    Sometimes we buy nothing more than $10 in socks and IMO, it's so worth it. As a matter of fact, I have 1 right now and it's good for Nov. 22, 24, & 25th. It does exclude bonus buys, coats, & boots though.

  19. Kohls is great and I always do well at JC Penny for men's clothes. I don't personally care for Old Navy so I couldn't tell you about their deals. Nothing I've ever bought at Old Navy has stood up to more than a few washings and then it looks like it came from a thrift store.

    Old Navy has a VERY cheap line of clothes, so if you're only in there buying the shirts that are around $5.00 (maybe a bit more), I can believe it. If you buy the more expensive stuff, you'll do better, quality wise. Their men's hoodies are pretty well made and my kids are still wearing them years later (I am funny about laundry now and never place zippered sweatshirts in a dryer with heat, actually, I never place any of their shirts in a dryer with heat - I do fluff without heat though). You'll pay a little more for the better made items, but they're still less than Pac Sun, Hollister, and American Eagle. IMO, they fall about head to head (price wise) with Aero.


    These are the stores my kids shop in and I've found, the Old Navy hold up as well as the $50 and $60 ones from the other stores mentioned.


    I highly suggest everyone stay away from their low line though. It's pure JUNK!

  20. Check your mall's website.


    HM has 25% off everything.

    Guess has 20-60% off everything.

    Disney has 25 or 20% off everything.

    I just checked out mall, but they don't say what each store's sales will be. They did say they'd be drawing 1 winner who will win a $500 PER month shopping spree (doesn't say how many months) and that they'll be giving goody bags to the first 1000 shoppers.

  21. I love Aero, but 50% off isn't worth running there for the sale as they run 50% off mostly till Christmas. If you're there, by all means, shop there. If you're making a special trip, I'd say it's a sale you can get almost anytime in December.


    Edit: At least in the store in our mall, this is the way it is.

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