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Everything posted by heavenlysshine

  1. Try here. :) http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=15792 ~H~
  2. Make sure that you are also signed up for the email alerts for when new ads are posted. Actually, I'm signed up for them but I still check the site like twenty times a day because I am afraid that a new ad alert will get "lost" in cyber-space before it can get to me! ~H~
  3. I'd put some cash with it and get a new mattress set. Mine has gotten worn out from all the tossing and turning at night wondering when the next ad will arrive! ~H~
  4. My daughter only wanted the Queen, not Barbie. I also did the TRU deal, but chose another Barbie...the American Idol Karaoke one. ~H~
  5. It only takes one entry to win. :) ~H~
  6. Good idea! ~H~
  7. My son, who just turned 11 in September, asked me outright about 2 or 3 years ago. I told him the truth, but not to tell his sister (who is now 6.) He just looked at me with his mouth hanging wide open like I was lying that there was NO SANTA! After that conversation he just walked away and ever since then it is like we never even talked about it! It's like he is in denial! LOL! He even talks about Santa all the time. Example - He asked to write out a list for Santa last week and then a few days later there was something he saw he wanted, but he caught himself and remembered that he'd already made out his List and wasn't sure if Santa would accept add-ons. He was DEAD SERIOUS. He is in such denial and it's both hilarious and so sweet at the same time. ~H~
  8. Thanks! I can only try to ask, several times and ask several shift managers, that week. ~H~
  9. Maybe I'll get to stay in a little longer this time. Just don't send me on another wild google chase! lol ~H~
  10. The thing is that those Sponge Bob dvd players ($54.88) and tvs ($89.77) are being sold right now separately at the walmart nearest my house. On BF they will be sold as a bundle (walmart is calling it a pack) for $99.77. According to the scans of the early bird ad it will not be the tv/dvd all-in-one combo, but a separate dvd player and tv like they are selling now, so I wouldn't think that they would ring up the special price yet. I don't suppose it would hurt to try to get one of each and take it to a price scanner and try, but unfortunately I don't think you're gonna luck up on that one. ~H~
  11. I guess this is a good a thread as any to give a HUGE welcome to all the new members! We know you'll love it here. ~H~
  12. Good shot! Thanks! ~H~
  13. In the scanned sears ad I think it has to have that little mouse pic after the item description to be available online, but of course, I am not 100% sure. Look on the DVD scanned ad page and on the top you will see what I mean. Then, you can look at the description of the Kodak digital camera with printer dock for $199 and after the description you can see what looks like a pic of that tiny mouse. There are several things that have that. ~H~
  14. I've only price-matched at walmart using Target, Kmart and TRU ads. Do they accept Sears, etc toy ads as well? ~H~
  15. http://www.toywiz.com/idog1.html ~H~
  16. It's too early to say for me. ~H~
  17. It's kinda like a Dollar General or a Family Dollar. ~H~
  18. No stickers in my big book that was in my sunday paper either. Not impressed with any of the pricing. ~H~
  19. I am assuning that when you check out at TRU and you give them your phone number, that is their way of "tracking" how much business you do with them throughout the year. I think that is what they use to determine which household gets what offers. I am not on their mailing list either, but I got a big book today in my sunday paper...no stickers for the kids to put on the items they wanted, though. Not impressed with ANY of the prices I saw. ~H~
  20. I am out the door around 2 or 3am and done by 11. My BF buddies and I go have lunch somewhere and then it's home to crash. ~H~
  21. Christmas morning we open gifts; Santa gifts are always unwrapped. Later that afternoon we go have Christmas dinner at my Mother's and do the family gift exchange thing. ~H~
  22. Maybe you could pass it on to someone who is going to make a large purchase. ~H~
  23. Hey, there's a pre-lit tree! Wonder what it will look like. Slim, or what? ~H~
  24. If anyone has any girls, hair bows and play make-up is always good. Edited to add - nail polish too! ~H~
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