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Everything posted by Bestbuy7

  1. I don't think anyone was able to buy anything after the incident. We were planning on heading to that walmart but plans change.
  2. we got ours on tuesday
  3. Delete your TEMPORARY INTERNET FILES and COOKIES. If you're using Internet Explorer Go to TOOLS >> DELETE BROWSING HISTORY Hope it helps.
  4. 4:00 am woke up 4:02 went back to bed:tired:. I'm waiting until the day after christmas to see some real deals.
  5. I guess i should post this. AVAILABLE AT PCRICHARDS&SONS (FRIDAY ONLY) : PANASONIC 42" Plasma HDTV reg$1299.97 Sale price 696.97 SONY 40" Bravia LCD HDTV reg $1499.97 Sale price 797.97
  6. Prices differ by region.
  7. http://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2704,2218335,00.asp
  8. I wish i could say the same. The lines are 30-40 minute wait. Bestbuy , CC, Sears and Target are overcrowded. One place to avoid. . . the mall . . ..
  9. Also make sure that your GPS system is not visible inside your car. DO NOT leave bags/purse on your car seat. You might want to leave your jacket inside your car. In the mall its like 85+ degrees:yuck: .
  10. Sleeping JK. Still standing in line with a handful of dvds.
  11. I have to agree. I will only head to Target and Bestbuy for a couple of dvds.
  12. They usually have 4.99 shirts not advertised.
  13. I actually go shopping twice in one day. Early morning then in the afternoon. When i come home from early morning shopping i eat and watched the news to see if i made it on tv:D . I usually tivo all the morning shows, i like to see people get trampled jk:cheesy: .
  14. Traveling with groups - make sure cellphone is fully charge and is on vibrate(its hard to hear it ring esp in fully crowded malls) . OPTIONAL Driving in a jeep (or a vehicle where items in the trunk is visible) carry a sheet/comforter/blanket that you can cover your piles of bags. :) You wouldnt want your items to get stolen.
  15. 2 years ago on BF it was 15 degrees here in nyc ,i wore a long jacket, scarf, gloves , hat , 2 pair of socks , 2 shirts under a sweater , long johns and boots. Last year it was 60+ degrees so my winter coat i left in the car and walked around with a sweater. Hopefully this year us NYers will have great weather again ,we are currently experiencing strange weather(its 80 degrees in october! )
  16. Probably 12 am.
  17. In NY subscribe to the Sunday NY times. Comes every saturday morning.
  18. Target.com clearance started 2 weeks ago. Most of the ornaments are gone from the site now.
  19. 6pm in my area. Kmart will close at 10pm:yup: .
  20. Most stores had 3-DAY sales that started on friday and ends today. Check their website for the ad.
  21. http://sears.shoplocal.com/sears/Default.aspx?action=browsepagespread&storeid=2156389&rapid=348417&pagenumber=1&prvid=612P044&promotioncode=612P044
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