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Everything posted by Kaarak

  1. I don't think they go 5/10 until the sale in January. I was not impressed by the deals yesterday, and their credit card system went down about a half hour after they opened making each person's check out take upwards of 8 minutes!
  2. None here either, if we had gone to C's families for Thanksgiving we would have gotten one! Bummer!
  3. Kaarak

    Dress up Clothes?

    Thank you!
  4. Kaarak

    Dress up Clothes?

  5. Kaarak

    Dress up Clothes?

    Does anyone remember if any of the adds have little girls dress up clothes on sale? I thought I had seen them in one of the ads but now I can't find which one! Thanks!
  6. I was at the Coach outlet, and the Donney Outlet yesterday. Donney had some very nice signature bags for $67.00 ( Clinton, CT). Coach had a few of the mixed print bags in the mid $100.00 range. I almost bought both! I have a small Beijo bag and I love it! I've been thinking about getting another one!
  7. Do they sell used nintendos? I'm looking for a used nintendo ds to give my mom for Christmas. She really wants the game brain age. She would be so upset though if I bought her a brand new nintendo ds just for that.
  8. I just got my book today from before the code. I"m off to order more!
  9. Thanks!
  10. Kaarak

    Lowes BF ad

  11. What a neat system.
  12. I haven't really been saving. I haven't deoposited my October Bonus check yet. I"m holding onto that to deposit the week before BF. I've been picking little things up all year. I'm going to try to set a limit per person and stick to it.
  13. Nothing that I need to get up early on a Saturday for!
  14. I'm going to send an email.
  15. Thanks! I just ordered the cooking for two cookbook for my cousin and her new husband for Christmas. You can't beat a $5.00 Christmas gift!
  16. I'm really starting to think I"m going to stay completely away from toys made in china this year.
  17. I am so going to order a few of these!
  18. I stocked up on the soaps during the annual sale, but would definitley buy more of they were 5/10!
  19. I don't believe it.
  20. I try to pick up little things all year long. I don't have too much yet. I"m hoping to get the majority of my shopping done on BF.
  21. I"m excited to see what they will have on Thanksgiving. I don't normally stop there on BF but will stop on Turkey Day!
  22. Out Walmart's closed. I don't even know if we have a Walmart Super Center in Connecticut.
  23. I'm about 5% done. I have 4 things for DB, one thing for my mom and thats about it.
  24. Sleep but thats about it. I"m not one to stand in line the night before. I just can't do it!
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