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Posts posted by kren

  1. if this is your first digital SLR, the XT is fine. Don't obsess about finding a "better" one; I have the XT and I'm completely happy with it! (Got it 2 years ago for $999, so the price drop makes me bummed). I had old Canon equipment and my lenses work with the XT and that really helps. I'm not sure old Nikon lenses work with the new Nikons. The MP difference between the xt and the xti are not significant unless you're blowing up to poster size. And the bigger LCD screen is truly not an issue.
  2. Heck, even the cheap laptops are the same price as last year. Yes, you're getting more for your money. But not THAT much more.


    I gotta say, I need another laptop, and there are a ton of electronic peripherals I need, plus camera accessories, plus a LOT of kids' toys. But there isn't a darn thing in the ads that will make me stay up all night. I see an external hard drive that's a good price at BB and at Target, but I bet if I wait until the afternoon, it'll still be available.

  3. OK, the HP site is VERY hard to navigate but I think you're right and I have DDR, not DDR2. Site says:


    HP Notebooks require the following types of memory.




    The physical size of the memory stick is designed to fit inside a notebook.



    The memory technology



    The memory speed. The speed varies by computer model. (PC2600S 333, PC2700S 644)


    So that means this deal is NG for me. Sigh.

  4. Oh, and I don't know about the V-Smile, but our Leapster has taken a MAJOR battering from the 2YO who constantly grabs it from his sister. He's dropped it, spilled water on it, dragged it along by the stylus cord, scribbled with Crayon on it... and it still works fine.


    Tip on the cartridges -- Every now and then one will seem to not work and you just get a ? on the screen. Take out the cartridge, lick the little circuit board inside (run your tongue along the edge of the opening -- not too gross, really!) -- and pop it back in. Works every time!

  5. Gotta get tires before snow Friday. The steel is showing on the front two, I was told by mechanic doing oil change today.


    Anyone know of any current in-store deals at the big nationals like Sears, etc? Trying to get this done on my one day off this week, and doubt I'll have time to do heavy-duty comparison shopping.



  6. Leapster rocks. I recommend NOT getting the LMax Leapster because it's quite a bit more money, and after the thrill of seeing what they do on TV wears off, it's not gonna be used much at all (at least not in my house, and my kid loves TV). We should've just gotten the plain-vanilla Leapster.


    That said, we love it. Educational reading game that's perfect for your daughter, Rennakay, is "Letters on the Loose" -- excellent one. (Numbers on the Run is also great, but not reading-centered). And Mr. Pencil is pretty good also.


    Heck, they're all great!

  7. So...if the steel is showing on my two front tires (it's AWD small SUV) and I drive 120 miles round-trip per day to work and there's a chance of snow on Friday, would y'all say I should buy tires tomorrow or wait until BF?


    Yeah, that's what I thought.

  8. Depending upon his interests, maybe one of those fantasy race-car days at a racetrack. Or something along those lines -- a dream day doing something he's really into. It sounds like there isn't anything material he really needs; why throw $$ away on something like that when he's got it all? I'd find something experience-related, rather than another "thing."


    Just my 2 cents


    (Wish I had your problem...<g>)

  9. Well, I think lead paint is harder to come by in the U.S. (I don't know this for sure, though).


    It's also banned for use in toys and such in the U.S., whereas there is no such ban in China.


    I hear ya about the trust thing, though. I really trusted the Thomas company -- the toys cost SO MUCH, and I really thought quality meant something to those people. Hah! And then when they had to recall a replacement engine that they sent out that contained lead after the first recall, I was done. No more Thomas for my 2YO.


    I don't know for sure about U.S.-made toys, but those made in western European countries I feel VERY confident in (like lots of Lego, Playmobil) -- Europe is a lot tougher regulation-wise -- and enforcing those regulations -- than we are. We just pay lip service to the rules we do have (kind of like the "inspection" of meat. Yeah right)

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