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Posts posted by kren

  1. Sick of mine; latex on the bottoms is all cracking and making a mess. (Is there an alternative that won't end up like this but still provides non-skid?)


    I'm looking for replacements, and while I hope to get extremely lucky in clearance at the Target end-caps, if not, I would still like to find them fairly cheaply.


    Are there any good white sales at the department stores that anyone has stumbled across? Anything coming up? Back in The Day, January was always the White Sale month.....

  2. Faves: the Wii has been huge. I found the summary screen where it shows you how long you've played with it, and our family (well, mostly DD7) has averaged 8 hours a day. :eyepoppin


    Best games: Rayman Raving Rabbids (the kids fall about laughing), Paper Mario, Mario Party, Donkey Barrel-something-or-other....


    DD loves her Kodak Easyshare and her Jedi light saber. DS loves all his new Hot Wheels cars and his Batman costume (he wore it for several days (and nights) in a row, until school started back today).


    Both loved the Dino Dig but I am less than pleased -- we've had a huge concrete block on our kitchen counter for two weeks, which they keep chipping away at and uncovering "bones," spraying concrete fragments everywhere as they dig. Sigh. What was I thinking???

  3. Re: Amazon: You have to look for the deals, and make sure you're buying stuff you would normally buy anyway!! No special secret, just same common sense we'd use on any other deal. I occasionally stock up when they have sales on coffee, and sometimes they have good combo deals on, say, Dove products. But I don't think you can really use Amazon to do your full-out shopping run.
  4. LOL. I took my 14YO stepdaughter to Target w/ me the other day and we went by the juices and there were three MMs and I snatched 'em up and she was all, "Why are you so excited?" and I pointed to the 15-packs and said, "How much are those?" and she said "$4.39" and I said, "OK, remember that number" and we went by the scanner a bit later and I scanned the 10-packs and her jaw dropped open. When I told her it wasn't a mistake, that it was Target's little Easter Egg to us all, she was stunned. She sez: "I don't even drink juice, but I've got to find somebody who does so I can tell them about this!" I told her to find a friend with little kid siblings and tell that friend's mom -- *she* would be ecstatic! (And no competition for me, 'cause she lives in a different state!!!)
  5. They took that coupon for me. Why would it not be valid? It must depend on the manager.


    But here's my BIG problem -- I went Monday to stock up on the soaps -- I do it every January and buy for the year, and there was ONE lonely soap, and it wasn't even on sale. I said "are you getting any more in?" and the bimbo behind the counter says "uh, no, I don't think so," and I said "what, never????" and she says, "yeah, I don't think so. we didn't even get any in for the holiday sale. I don't think we're stocking them anymore." And I just about fell over.


    Can anyone who works at BBW confirm this?? That they're not stocking SOAP anymore? Not body wash, soap. I think the girl was just an idiot (you should've seen her vacant expression) ... please tell me she was wrong!!!

  6. This has been the worst Christmas for broken stuff. My MIL stomped the radio-controlled Jeep to smithereens (by accident) on Christmas night. We opened up the (refurbished) Creative Zen V and it didn't come with the installation CD, so now we're waiting for that to be shipped.


    And the worst by far -- AARGH -- is the 32" LCD TV. I think there's a problem with it, but it's not constant. Sometimes the screen flashes and then goes black and we have no picture though we have audio. I think we have to take it back. Here's the worst part: I washed the receipt!! It's illegible! And I paid (mostly cash)!!!


    I did go to Target the day after we bought it when I realized what I'd done, because I was worried about warranties (little did I know we'd subsequently have problems) and I got one of their printouts that shows the purchase, (thank God I used some Amex gift cards and still have those receipts). But they say it can't be used for returns. Has anyone tried to return something -- especially something big and expensive -- using one of those faux receipts from Target?


    Really stressed right now...

  7. yes, the ones with stars are the low-end ... they're not knockoffs, because they really are made by converse -- they're not bootleg or anything. i also think they're cute. and there's a whole clothing line that's kind of funky too. but i'm not a teenager -- my 14YO SD wouldn't be caught dead in that stuff. "real" converse for her, all the way. (She had to have $50 high-tops for Christmas last year:shock:)


    it's the same with the levis signature line of clothing that's sold at wal-mart -- that's a low-end model line. Usually levis jeans are not $20 or whatever they're sold for there. The regular line is always full price of $35 and up..it's quite hard to get a pair of Levis on sale

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